All About Soul

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It's all about soul
It's all about faith and a deeper devotion
It's all about soul
'Cause under the love is a stronger emotion
She's got to be strong
'Cause so many things getting out of control
Should drive her away
Why does she stay?
It's all about soul

----All About Soul, Billy Joel

The Jazz didn't get off to a great start against Houston.  But they got it together about halfway through the first quarter. Unfortunately, Austin Rivers hit a three at the buzzer and the Rockets were up 31-27 after one.

The second quarter stayed close for awhile.  But Houston opened up a 13 point lead by halftime. And it didn't get any better in the third. The Jazz were down by 22 at the end of the quarter.

Grayson finally got on the floor with just over three minutes left and the Jazz down by 20, when Coach Snyder cleared the bench.  But he missed a three.  And two free throws.  He finally made two free throws.  But had a turnover.  And then an assist. 

In the end, the Jazz lost 125-98.  That made the prospect of three days until their next game less appealing than it had been.

February 3, 2019

Grayson woke and found the bed empty. He didn't think that Cait had slept well. She'd seemed a little restless. And that usually meant she was worried about something. In this case, he wrongly thought he had an idea what it was.

The rumors continued to swirl and Grayson was concerned that Cait was paying more attention than she was letting on. He figured she was trying to protect him and to stay positive for his sake. He also knew that she hadn't given an answer about working on the Olympic bid, because she was hoping that they'd still actually be in Salt Lake City at the end of the week.

The trade deadline was only a few days away. At least there would be some resolution to the uncertainty. Grayson wasn't sure he'd ever felt this way in his life.  He didn't like having absolutely no control over what happened to him.

But Cait had volunteered for this with him.  She could have kept skiing full time, told him she'd be around when she could.  She could have said that she'd live in New York for her job and visit him sometimes when he was in Salt Lake City. But she hadn't.  She'd found plenty to keep her busy, had built her own life here.  But make no mistake, she was here for him.  And if he got shipped somewhere else, she'd be there for him too.  She would leave this behind and go wherever he was. 

Grayson sometimes wondered whether some people would think she was wrong for making that decision.  Jared Malloy certainly had, but he'd had all kinds of issues, so Grayson wasn't too concerned with his opinion.  But he knew that there were other people that would have been mortified that she would give up her own life, her own career, to be with him.  People that, in the twenty-first century, would consider that choice to set back women's rights fifty years.

Those people didn't understand, couldn't possibly understand, their relationship.  Grayson knew damn well that what he and Cait had, it wasn't normal.  But there was nothing normal or average about the two of them. They were in love, but it was so much more than that. And they were happy with it.  That was all that mattered.

He was off today, was planning to watch some of the Super Bowl with his dad and just relax. Donovan had invited them to a party at Ricky's house, and they were going to go for a little while before watching the end of the game with his parents. Grayson felt like he should at least make an appearance and it would be good to just have some fun. But Cait had suggested that they come back home at halftime and just relax a little too.

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