Dazai's Past Lover?

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Author's note: this is my first ever fanfic so please try not to hate it too much😅 also in this story, both the reader and Dazai are 17, due to this change there will be some effects in the timeline, Dazai will be joining the pm a lot sooner than he did once before, he'll be taken in by Mori at 8 and leave the pm around the age of 13, why did i make this change? i dunno😂 but i hope you enjoy~
Dazai's P.O.V.
I sat in my chair, beginning to do my work.

"Uhh...hey Dazai?" Atsushi caught my attention, I looked away from my laptop screen and looked at him, "yes?"

"Have you had a past love?"

"What makes you ask?"

"Well everyone knows that...you were once a mafia executive but like...were you in love with anyone?"

"As a matter of fact I was, it was a girl I've known since I first ever joined the Port Mafia."

"Really?" His eyes lit up, Ranpo kicked off his desk to roll his chair over, chuckling while doing so, "I wanna hear to."

"Ahaha..." I scratched the nap of my neck, "anyone el-"

Nearly everyone in the office gathered around me, aside from Kunikida and the President.

"Okay...so..." I began, "I was taken into the Port Mafia at 8 and the first day I got there I fell head over heels in love with this one girl, she's younger than me but we used to always play together and when we needed to do work, we'd always secretly share information and help each other out. Around the age of 10, I finally worked up the courage to tell her I liked her, she accepted my feelings and we began I guess what you can call dating."

"You guess?" Yosano inquired, wanting me to explain in more detail.

"Well I mean we were young, us 'dating' mainly consisted of us holding hands and sleepovers, then we would eat together and share our food. Like kid stuff."

"I see." Naomi nodded her head seeming extremely interested.

"At 12, her partner died so she became apart of Double Black with Chuuya and I. We also had our first kiss during this year to."

"Did you guys ever...do it?" Tanizaki asked his voice trailing off.

"What was that?" I asked, not hearing all of it

"Did you ever fuck? Is what he's asking." Yosano blurted

"Uhhh, we did once or twice. I mean again, we were young, if I could take it back I probably would."

"But you loved her?" Ranpo questioned

"Not because I didn't love her, I did. I would take it back because we were too young, it wasn't something that should've happened at that age, we were 13 when we first had sex."

"I see where you're coming from." Tanizaki nodded his head in agreement.

"Then at 13 also, I left the mafia due to personal reasons."

"Why didn't you take her with you?" Ranpo asked

"Well...she's the adopted daughter of the boss, there wasn't necessarily a good chance she'd come with me."

"Wait...the adopted daughter of Mori?" Yosano's face burned with anger, she did hate the man after all.

I nodded, "yes, I was sure she wasn't going to come so I left a note and just never came back."

"How unfortunate, did she have a messed up past? I mean to be adopted by the boss of the Port Mafia seems like something bad must've happened to her." Kunikida said from the opposite side of the room.

"So you were listening~ and yes from the things I know about her past she's had a pretty messed up one, she was taken in to the mafia at 7."

"You poor kids." Yosano said sadly.

Atsushi was writing things down, "Atsushi? What exactly are you doing?"

"If she's still currently a mafia member we can get her out right? Then you'll be happy."

"Atsushi, I left that past and her behind, there's no need for that. Besides Mori has a tight hold on her."

"Tight hold?" The white haired boy repeated confused.

"Mori is her everything, everything she does, there's a good chance he ordered it." I said then shrugged, "But~ I don't know, a lot can happen within 4 years~"

"Do you ever think about her?" Tanizaki asked

"Sometimes, yes."

President Fukuzawa walked out of his office, "now that we've heard the story, everyone get back to work."

"Yes sir!"

I looked back at my black screened laptop and seen my reflection, I crackled a tiny smile, remembering her now,

Osamu, you're not an ugly guy I promise! I wouldn't have ever told you yes if you were! Chill out~ stop being so self conscious~

"Y/n..." I said aloud, continuing to look deep into the blackened screen.

"Y/n? Was that her name?" Atsushi asked

"Uhhh, yea it was. Sorry I got lost in thought." I laughed awkwardly.

I turned my laptop back on and began working once again.

-Time skip to a few days later-

"Oi, Dazai." Kunikida said as he took my headphones off my head, "the President wants to see you."

"What for?" I cocked my head.

"Go find out, I'm guessing it's about the Rats."

"Oh right! Totally forgot about them~"

"Dazai this really isn't the time to be messing around."

"I know I know, the jokes are done for now."

I got up and walked to Fukuzawa's office, "you needed me?"

"Yes, have a seat please."

I sat down, "as I'm sure you're aware, Dazai, the Rats are getting a little out of hand, it's bad enough that we have to team up with the mafia for the second time. I need you to go to mafia headquarters and make a truce until this is all over."

"And it has to be me since I'm the only here that is actually familiar with mafia affairs?"


"Alright, if you say so, I'll leave in 15 minutes if it's alright with you?"

"Of course."

I arose from my seat and walked out of his office, closing the door behind me.

"Did he give you a mission?" Atsushi asked

"Yea, I'm leaving in 15 minutes."

"Is it a-"

"Solo mission? Yes. It shouldn't take long anyway, I'm just going to make a truce basically."

"With the Mafia?" Ranpo guessed, his legs were on the table crossed and his head was thrown head, his eyes closed.

"As usual, you're correct."

"Be careful."

"Of course."
Author's note: so as you can see, i'm not the best at writing but please let me know if you would like more❤️ and you can always recommend some themes/ideas for future writing :)

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