08. TFP Autobots x Female Human Reader - Shopping

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You live with the Autobots since your parents, who are both secret agents, are out on an important mission. One day however you have to go food shopping and the Autobots want to come with you.


Today you needed to get yourself some more food and some pads/tampons. Since both of your parents were secret agents you didn't have to worry about money. Since your parents were away on a month long mission you were staying at the Autobot base.

"Um... Optimus, c-can you please take me to the store? I need food and a couple of other things." You said quietly as Optimus passed by the human area.

"Yes, as long as it does not take very long." Optimus said as he transformed.

"Thanks, Optimus." You said as you walked down the stairs.

"Hey, where are you both going?" Smokescreen asked you curiously.

"Can I come?" Smokescreen asked you curiously.

"Um... Sure." You said hesitantly.

"What about us?" Bulkhead asked as he, Arcee, Bumblebee Wheeljack walked over.

"Fine, but you all need to listen to me." You said sternly as you got into Optimus's alt mode.

Smokescreen, Bumblebee, Arcee, Bulkhead and Wheeljack transformed and followed Optimus to the store. On the way there they all activated their holoforms. You were thankful that Ratchet stayed behind. Once you all got to the store the Autobot's holoforms stepped out of their alt modes. Then you got out of Optimus's alt mode.

"Woah, this place is so cool!" Smokescreen said as you lead them into the store.

"What's that for?" Arcee asked you as you grabbed a shopping cart.

"It's called a shopping cart, it's to hold everything that I get." You replied.

As you walked through the store Optimus stayed by your side. You thought that the others were following you, but when you turned around you didn't see them.

"Optimus, can you please get the things on my list?" You asked him nicely.

"I will do my best." Optimus said as you started going back to the aisles that you had already been to.

First, you went to the women's hygiene aisle where you saw Arcee looking at all the pads and tampons, thankfully she was just looking at everything. She agreed to help you find the others. Next you went to the cereal aisle where Bumblebee was eating out of a box of Honeynut Cheereos.

"Bee, you can't just eat that. It has to be paid for first!" You said as you scolded him.

Bee looked extremely guilty, but you told him that you would pay for the box that he was eating out of. Next you went to the candy aisle where you found Smokescreen stuffing his face with Skittles.

"Smokescreen! You can't just eat those!" You said as you scolded him.

"Why not?" Smokescreen asked you, his mouth still full of Skittles.

"Because you have to pay for them first!" You said seriously.

"Oops." Smokescreen said, wishing that he had known that he couldn't just eat the candy without paying for it.

"I'll pay for it." You sighed.

"Really? Thanks!" Smokescreen said happily.

You then went to go look for Bulkhead and Wheeljack. You really hoped that they weren't getting in any trouble. When you heard yelling in the fresh fruit aisle you knew that it was probably them. When you got there you saw Bulkhead and Wheeljack lobbing with a watermelon.

"Put that melon down right now!" You said angrily.

Bulkhead and Wheeljack were so startled by your voice that they stopped lobbing the watermelon. When it hit the floor you were not happy.

"Sorry Y/n." Bulkhead said as he looked at the now broken watermelon.

"I'll pay for it." You mumbled.

You then lead Bulkhead, Arcee, Smokescreen, Bumblebee and Wheeljack to where Optimus would be. Since you told him to follow the list he followed it perfectly. When it was time to pay for everything you ended up paying much more than you expected. After you paid for everything Optimus helped you get everything into his alt mode. When you got back to the base you made a mental note to never bring any of the Autobots who caused trouble to the store again.


Well, here was just another strange oneshot

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