Zarkon x Fem! Paladin Reader part 2

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A few weeks after your visit to the nightclub you find out that you're pregnant. You don't remember any from that night since you were drunk. Everyone in the Castle has been helping you. What happens when you meet the father of your child while you're out for a flight in your lion?

You were currently flying around in space again while in your lion. A few weeks after you went to the nightclub you found out that you were pregnant. You had no idea of who the father was, but you didn't want to get rid of your baby. So here you were, seven months pregnant while flying around in your lion. You were humming your favorite song and not paying much attention of where you were going. 

You didn't notice that you were being followed by the Galra until your lion was caught in a tractor beam. You tried your best to get away, but it was no use. Your lion was pulled into the Galra ship and a few footsoldiers managed to get in your lion and capture you. You were taken to the throne room where Zarkon was. You were so scared that you started to sweat.

"Sire, we found this human in the lion. She appears to be pregnant." One of the footsoldiers said.

Zarkon looked at you and thought that you looked familiar. He stood up from his throne and approached you. When he bent down he could smell a scent that was similar to his. Then it hit him, you were the woman that he hooked up with. 

"She will stay with me." Zarkon said as he picked you up bridal style and walked out of the throne room. 

You were scared and curious of why you weren't dead yet. You knew better than to say anything. Zarkon carried you through the halls of his ship and to his bedroom. When he got to his bedroom he laid you on his bed.

"You will be staying with me from now on." Zarkon told you.

"W-why?" You asked him nervously.

"Because you are carrying my child." Zarkon said, leaning down to nuzzle you.

You weren't sure what to think about a giant alien man who was older than ten thousand years nuzzling you. Hell, you couldn't believe that you had sex with someone that old. But here you were, in a giant bed with the father of your child rubbing himself against you.

"B-but what about Voltron?" You asked him.

"You will be staying with me. And your lion is now mine." Zarkon said, laying down on his bed and cuddling with you. 

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