TFP Starscream x RID Windblade - Unexpected love

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When the groundbridge at the scrap yard malfunctions it somehow sends Windblade into the past. She ends up meeting a certain Seeker who falls helm over heels in love with her. One night however they end up becoming sparkmates.

"Is the groundbridge ready yet, Fix-it?" Bumblebee asked the small, orange minicons.

"Yes, it should bleep-bee-BE!" Fix-it said, turning the groundbridge on.

Windblade, who was in front of the groundbridge, was the first one to notice it's strange color. Instead of the normal greenish blue color it was purple and black. Suddenly, it started sucking things in. Russell was nearly sucked in, but Windblade managed to save him. She was about to get to safety before she was sucked in along with a few other items. 

She screamed as she was sucked in. At some point she was knocked unconscious. Fix-it eventually closed the groundbridge. But it was too late, Windblade was gone.

"No! She's gone! What am I going to do now?!" Sideswipe said dramatically.

"Sideswipe, it's not the end of the world. We'll get her back." Bumblebee reassured him.

"You better." Sideswipe said, nearly crying.

Strongarm rolled her optics as she went to go somewhere quiet. Bumblebee started talking to Fix-it, who was trying to figure out what went wrong. Russell decided to go somewhere far away from the groundbridge. Meanwhile, Windblade was transported into the past. She landed near a cave in a desert somewhere in Nevada.

She was still unconscious, but she was slowly waking up. Somewhere not far away Soundwave got a Cybertronian signal and showed it to Megatron. He smirked, knowing that whoever it was that showed up would most likely be captured soon. Since he was in a good mood he had Starscream check it out. At first, Starscream wasn't too thrilled at being sent out to capture someone. 

But when he got to where the signal was coming from his optics widened. There, laying on the ground, was a femme. But not just any femme, this one had wings and was very beautiful. As she started waking up he got into a defensive position and flared his wings. 

"State your business!" Starscream ordered as Windblade woke up.

"Where am I?" Windblade asked, looking around at her surroundings.

"You are somewhere in what the humans call 'Nevada'. Now tell me, who are you and why are you here?" Starscream asked, not fully trusting her.

"The groundbridge I was going to use malfunctioned. And my designation is Windblade. I am a Cityspeaker from Caminus." Windblade said, slowly standing up.

"A-a Cityspeaker from Caminus." Starscream said in awe.

"Yes. And yo- you're Starscream!" Windblade said in shock as she drew her sword and pointed it at him.

"Yes, but I mean you no harm. I promise." Starscream said, relaxing his wings.

"You're Megatron's Second in command." Windblade said, not trusting him.

'Yes, but I would never harm a Cityspeaker." Starscream said softly.

"Why should I trust you?" Windblade asked, lowering her sword a little.

"I give you my word. Now, you'll need somewhere safe to stay and you'll need energon. You may use this cave. I will bring you energon later. But right now I need to go." Starscream said as he transformed and flew back to the Nemesis.

Windblade watched as he flew away. She was low on energon, so she would have to trust Starscream for now. She went into the cave and sat down so that she could rest. Hopefully she would be okay. 


Windblade was looking up at the stars when she heard a jet engine. She looked where the sound was coming from and saw Starscream. She watched as he transformed and land on the ground, a cube of energon in his servos.

"I see that you decided to come back." Windblade said, placing her servos on her hips.

"I told you that I would. And I've brought you some fresh energon." Starscream said, offering her the cube.

Windblade took it and drank it. It had been a long time since she was able to have a full cube of energon. Starscream watched as she greedily drank it. Once she was finished drinking Windblade put the cube on the ground. 

"Thank you." Windblade said politely.

"I- um… Y-you're welcome." Starscream said, not used to being thanked.

Windblade smirked when she saw the light blue blush on Starscream's faceplates. She had to admit that he was handsome, for a Decepticon. Starscream wasn't quite sure what to say next.

"Would you like to go for a flight with me?" Windblade asked him.

"Yes, that would be nice." Starscream said as he and Windblade transformed and took off.

It had been so long since he had anyone to go for a nightly flight with. The same applied for Windblade. Since she was the only flyer on her team it got a bit lonely. As they were flying Starscream couldn't help but think that Windblade looked majestic with the moonlight on her wings. As they flew they saw that there was a full moon.

Unfortunately before they knew it night time was over and the sun started coming up. Starscream and Windblade found a cliff to land on and they transformed and sat down. As they were watching the sun come up Windblade yawned and rested her helm on Starscream's shoulder. He blushed when he looked at her and realized that he was getting feelings for her. 

Eventually Starscream took Windblade back to the cave and laid her down. Before he left he kissed her on her forehelm and promised her that he would be back. As he flew back to the Nemesis he couldn't stop thinking about their night together. Throughout that day everyone on the Nemesis was surprised at how good of a mood he was in.


As time passed Starscream and Windblade would keep meeting up every night. One night however when the moon was full again and they were out on a nightly flight they transformed and landed on a rock formation. Windblade could tell that something was on Starscream's processor, but she wasn't sure what. They sat down and looked up at the stars.

"Windblade, there is something that I must confess. Ever since I met you my spark feels like it might explode. I believe that I have fallen in love with you." Starscream said, looking at Windblade.

"I- wow, I didn't think that would happen. But if I'm being perfectly honest, I love you too." Windblade said as she scooted closer to the silver Seeker.

"Windblade, will you be my sparkmate?" Starscream asked her softly.

"Yes, I will." Windblade said, wrapping her arms around Starscream's neck cables.

Starscream gently pressed his derma against her's in a soft, passionate kiss. Windblade's spark started pulsing faster as he kissed her. Never before did she think that she would fall in love with a Decepticon. Over the weeks Starscream had slowly started to change and become a better person. When Windblade opened her intake a little Starscream slipped his glossa in it.

Both Starscream and Windblade moaned as they deepened the kiss. After a few minutes of making out Windblade pulled away from the kiss and laid down with her-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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