RID Optimus x Cybertronian! June

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When word gets out that the Autobots are back on Earth Jack contacts them and tells them that his mom is chronically ill. Ratchet and Optimus rush to Jasper after Ratchet makes a quick trip to Cybertron to get something that he's been working on. After they have everything ready they transport her to the scrap yard.

Optimus drove through the groundbridge and into the scrap yard as carefully as he could. Jack made sure that his mom was okay as Optimus stopped. Ever since June had become chronically ill he had been worried sick. When he heard about the Autobots being back and called them. Thankfully they had a way to save June. 

Optimus opened his door and Denny helped Jack get his mom out. They carefully carried her to the med bay and laid her on a bed. Optimus transformed as the groundbridge closed. A few minutes later Ratchet came through a different groundbridge with a few things. 

"Jack, Denny, it's best if you both stepped out for a while." Optimus said as he walked into the makeshift med bay.

Jack and Denny nodded before they left. Ratchet laid a Cybertronian femme's body down on a trailer before he started carefully hooking June up to a few machines. Thankfully she was asleep at the moment and wouldn't feel anything.

"Are you sure that this will work, old friend?" Optimus asked Ratchet.

"Yes, I'm sure." Ratchet said as he hooked the femme up to a spark monitor.

Optimus watched as Ratchet opened the femme's chassis, exposing her spark chamber. Ratchet had told Optimus about this procedure many times. 

"I will need a sliver of your spark." Ratchet told Optimus seriously.

Optimus nodded and opened his chassis, exposing his spark. Ratchet grabbed one of his tools while Optimus braced himself for the pain. He hoped that this whole process would work out.


Several hours later the spark monitor started beeping, signaling that the procedure was a success. Optimus, who was resting, looked at Ratchet and smiled. Ratchet had just transferred June's consciousness to the Cybertronian femme's body. The femme was designed to look a lot like June. Optimus felt a pull at his spark as June woke up.

"Where am I? What happened?" June asked as she opened her optics.

"You are in a scrap yard near Crown City." Ratchet replied, using his scanner to check her vitals.

"Ratchet? Optimus? Is it really you?" June asked, looking at them.

"Yes, it's us." Ratchet said, smiling at her.

"It's been so long." June said, not wanting to cry in front of the mech she had fallen in love with.

"June, I have transferred you to a Cybertronian femme's body so that you may live. However, I had to put a sliver of Optimus' spark into your spark chamber. So technically you both are now bonded. I hope that you're fine with that." Ratchet told her.

"Yes, it's more than fine. I actually have always been attracted to you, Optimus." June said, blushing a bit as her new cooling fans kicked on. 

"As have I, June." Optimus said, smiling at her. 

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