33. TFP Holoform Starscream x Fem! Human Reader - Proposal

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Requested by: Dr-TrainVerse

One day you ask Starscream if you both can go to Wailoa River State Park in Hawaii to show him how beautiful Earth can be. When he says yes you're surprised, but happy. Little do you know that he has something special planned.

Also, Starscream regularly visits the reader at her house, which is in an unpopulated area.


"Starscream, can we go to Wailoa River State Park in Hawaii?" You asked him one day while you both were in near your house.

"Why, so that we can go somewhere else with miserable weather?" Starscream asked you as he rolled his optics.

"The weather there is nice." You said boldly.

He huffed and crossed his arms over his chassis. But when you gave him the puppy dog eyes he couldn't say no. You were his girlfriend after all.

"Fine, we can go." Starscream said before he transformed.

You got into his alt mode and buckled up before he took off. Since it was already summer you were wearing a T-shirt and a skirt/shorts.


When Starscream got as close to Wailoa River State Park as he could he landed somewhere that was unpopulated. As soon as he landed you got out of his alt mode and his holoform appeared next to you.

"Come on, let's go." You said as you took his hand and dragged him to the park.

Starscream had to admit that Hawaii was nice. It wasn't too hot and it wasn't too cold, just how he liked it. You both walked around the park for a while and looked at the sights. Little did you know that he had something special planned. When he stopped walking you stopped walking too.

As he got down on one knee in front of you he took something out of his pocket. You were extremely confused at what he was doing until you saw the engagement ring in the tiny box.

"Y/n, we have been together for quite a while now. You have accepted me despite all the bad things that I have done in my life. I've come to realize that I want you to be mine forever. Y/n, will you do me the honor of being my sparkma- wife?" Starscream softly asked you.

"Yes, I will!" You cried happily as he slid the engagement ring onto your ring finger.

He stood up and pulled you in for a passionate kiss. You could hear bystanders cheering and clapping. This was one of the happiest days of your life.


The engagement ring

The engagement ring

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