Antok x Fem! Bat Furry Reader x Thace

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Requested by: @Crosswave

It's heat season and your scent is driving everyone in the BoM base crazy. You ask your mates, Antok and Thace, to help you.

You were on your-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only


A few weeks after your heat cycle ended you found out that you were pregnant. Antok and Thace could hardly wait to be dads. They took good care of you throughout your pregnancy. Now, you laid on a bed in the med bay while you held your two daughters in your arms. One looked a lot like Antok and the other one looked a lot like Thace, but they had your ears and wings.

"They're perfect." Antok whispered as he looked at your twins.

"They are." Thace said as he kissed your forehead.

"I can't wait to teach them how to fly and hang upside down." You said, a huge smile on your face.

"Maybe you should wait a while before teaching them how to fly. Just imagine what Kolivian would say about two Galra/Bat Furry hybrids flying around the base." Thace said.

"Yeah, I can imagine." You said as your smile got bigger.

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