39. TFA Optimus x Sparked Femme Reader

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Requested by: @IsabelleBandorilover

You are Optimus' sparkmate and recently Ratchet has told you that you are sparked. You're nervous about telling Optimus, but thankfully you figure out a way to tell him that he's going to be a sire.

Y/C/n means Your Cybertronian name


Lately you hadn't been feeling well and you had to stay at the Autobot base with Sari. One day however you went to Ratchet and told him that you weren't feeling good. He did a few scans on you and told you that you were sparked. You thanked him and went outside to think. You were scared to tell Optimus that you were carrying his sparkling.

You both were still somewhat young and neither of you had very much experience with sparklings. As you were thinking Sari walked up to you.

"Y/C/n, what are you thinking about?" Sari asked you curiously.

"I just found out that I'm sparked and I need to find a way to tell Optimus." You said as you looked down at your youngest friend.

"Oh, that's easy. I've watched a few pregnancy announcement videos on the internet and there's this one where the woman put a baby bottle on the man's place at the kitchen table during dinner instead of his favorite mug." Sari said happily.

"That's actually a pretty good idea. Thanks, Sari." You said as you smiled.

"You're welcome. I would stay to see how it turns out but Bumblebee is taking me home. Good luck." Sari said before she went to go find Bee.

You smiled as you went back inside the base. When you asked Ratchet if he had any old sparkling bottles you were shocked that he had one. He let you borrow it for your plan. All you had to do now was just plan everything. When you found Optimus taking a nap on the large couch in the main room you placed the bottle next to him.

"What are you doing?" Prowl quietly asked you.

"I'm trying to tell Optimus that I'm expecting in a cute way." You said nervously as you turned to face him.

"I see. Well, good luck" Prowl said before he left.

You sat down on the couch and waited for Optimus to wake up. When he woke up and saw the bottle he picked it up and looked at it.

"I see that you're finally awake." You said as you smirked.

"Yeah. But what's up with the sparkling bottle? Are you trying to tell me something?" He asked you curiously.

"I- I- yeah, I am." You said nervously.

"Wait... You haven't been feeling well lately and then you put this next to me... Are you...?" Optimus asked you as his optics widened.

"Y-yeah... I am." You said, hoping that he wouldn't be mad.

"I- I can't believe it. I'm going to be a sire and you're going to be a carrier!" Optimus said happily as he hugged you.

You were so happy that he wasn't angry. Everyone smiled as they walked into the main room and saw you and Optimus hugging on the couch.

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