TFP Knockout x Shy Mech Reader x Breakdown

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Requested by: LuaKitsune

You have a major crush on both Knockout and Breakdown, but you're too shy to confess. Both Knockout and Breakdown have noticed your shyness and they tease you a little before you end up confessing. 

Y/C/n means Your Cybertronian name


You have had a major crush on both Knockout and Breakdown for quite a while. You were always very shy, but you were even more shy around them. You were even too shy to confess to them. One day however you somehow ended up alone with them in the med bay. You tried your hardest not to blush.

You didn't really say anything to them because you were afraid of stuttering. They noticed how shy you had been and Knockout gave Breakdown a certain look. One that you didn't notice.

"What's up, Doll?" Knockout asked you.

"Yeah, you seem to be a bit shy." Breakdown said as he smiled.

"Do we make you nervous?" Knockout asked as he winked at you.

You bit your lower lip plate and blushed heavily. Knockout and Breakdown smirked at you as you blushed. They knew what was going on. You felt your-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only


                      ~ Bonus ~ 

As Megatron and Soundwave were passing the med bay they heard moaning. Megatron smirked and Soundwave handed him some energon goodies.

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