17. TFP Smokescreen x Fem! Altean Reader - An awkward confession

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You are a female Altean who decided to live on Earth after Sendak was defeated. During the last battle with The Fire of Purification you had met the Autobots and you had become Smokescreen's charge. Now that things on Earth are back to normal you live in peace with the Autobots. You even have a crush on Smokescreen. Little do you know that he has feelings for you too.


Today was the day. Smokescreen was finally going to confess his feelings for you. He had gained a major crush on you and he wanted to confess his feelings for you. But every time that he tried he couldn't bring himself to do it. When Wheeljack started showing interest in you though he knew that he needed to tell you how he felt. So as you were watching tv in the human area of the Autobot base his holoform appeared next to you on the couch.

"Oh, hello Smokescreen." You said calmly as you turned your head towards his holoform.

"H-hi Y-Y/n... I-I have something t-to tell you." He said nervously.

"Oh, what is it?" You asked him curiously.

"I-I think you're hot. I MEAN I think you smell nice... Um... W-what I-I meant t-to say w-was th-that...um..." Smokescreen stuttered.

While he was trying to figure out what to say you couldn't help but quietly giggle a little. He was so cute when he was flustered. You already knew what he was trying to say, but you wanted to let him say it.

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to sound creepy." Smokescreen said sadly.

"It's fine. Besides, I think I know what you were trying to say." You said as you smiled at him.

Smokescreen looked at you and he smiled back. He then finally got up enough courage to confess his feelings for you.

"Y/n, I like you as more than a friend." He said confidently.

You then pulled him in for a kiss. The kiss was soft, but it was also passionate. Smokescreen was so happy that you liked him too. The marks on your face started to glow a little as you kissed him.

"Get some, kid!" Wheeljack shouted as he and the other Autobots walked into the main room together.

"Wheeljack!" Ratchet shouted as he threw a wrench at Wheeljack.

You and Smokescreen separated from the kiss and blushed heavily. Neither of you expected to be caught. Thankfully the other's decided to give you both some privacy, just as long as you both didn't start doing 'other things' on the couch.

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