Lotor x Fem! Paladin Reader

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Requested by: SpiritPrime20111

After you and the other Paladins team up with Lotor you can't help but have a major crush on the Galtean Prince. One day however when you're exploring the main Galra ship you just so happen to hear him moan your name while you pass his bedroom.

You were walking one of the long hallways in the main Galra ship when you heard someone moan your name. Ever since you and the other Paladins started working with Lotor you all got to have free roam of the large ship. You heard the moan again and noticed that one of the doors was cracked open. You snuck up to the door and peeked in. You couldn't see very much, but from what you could see you knew that it was Lotor's bedroom.

"Who goes there?" You suddenly heard Lotor say loudly.

"Uh, it's just-" You said as you entered his room, only to stop when you saw that he was-


The rest of this chapter is posted privately on my ao3 account for members only

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