02. Ulaz x Female Reader - The first day of School

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So, in my Ulaz x Reader book Solar_x_Prime was wondering if Ulaz and the reader's kids would ever go to school.

Mur, Gev, Kocho and Laz, Zux and Zev belong to me.


Shortly after you had given birth to twins the Paladins had helped you, Ulaz and all of your kids move to their dimension. Your parents decided to stay where they were since they still had their farm and the rest of your family, so you, Ulaz and your kids said goodbye to them. About three months after the big move you and Ulaz were able to get a large house in the countryside along with an SUV after he got a job at the local hospital as a surgeon. Today however it was Gev, Laz, Mur and Kocho's very first day of preschool. You were a little nervous to enroll them in a local preschool, but you knew that they needed to be around kids their own age.

As you were making their lunches Ulaz was helping them get ready. Once you finished packing their lunches in their lunch boxes you grabbed the four lunch boxes and went to the living room to check on your twins. When walked over to the playpen you saw that Zux and Zev were playing with some of their toys.

"Hello you two." You cooed to Zux and Zev.

Zux and Zev heard you and babbled as they reached their arms to you, wanting to be picked up. You smiled as you looked at your them.

"We're ready!" Mur said happily as she ran into the living room.

"No running in the house." You said seriously.

"Sorry mommy." Mur said bashfully.

When Ulaz walked into the living room you saw Kocho, Gev and Laz trailing behind him. You were happy to see that they were dressed, and their hair was brushed and that they had their backpacks.

"I made sure that they had everything." Ulaz told you.

"That's good." You replied.

"Are those our lunches?" Kocho asked you when she saw you holding the four lunch boxes.

"Yes, I packed you guys an extra special lunch." You said as you handed each of your kids their lunch boxes.

"I can't wait for lunch!" Gev said as she held her lunch box.

"Is it time to go yet?" Mur asked you curiously.

"Yes, it's time." You said as you picked Zev up.

"Go get your shoes on." Ulaz said as he picked Zux up.

Once you and Ulaz got all of your kids into the SUV you started driving to the preschool. On the way there you popped a sing-along CD into the CD player and Mur, Kocho, Laz and Gev sung along to the songs. When you arrived at the preschool you and Ulaz got out of the SUV, helped your kids out and you both unbuckled Zux and Zev and put them in the double stroller that you had gotten out of the trunk while Ulaz was helping Kocho out of the SUV. Thankfully you saw one of the teachers when you opened one of the preschool's glass doors. You were surprised that it was Romelle.

"Romelle?"" You asked the young Altean.

"Y/n, Ulaz, it's nice to see you and your kids again." Romelle said cheerfully.

"I didn't know that you worked here." You said.

"Yes, I've been working here for half a month." Romelle said happily.

"Hi Miss Romelle." Kocho, Mur and Gev said in sync.

"Hello there, are you ready to learn?" Romelle asked them.

"Yeah!" They said happily.

Gev, Kocho and Mur hugged you and Ulaz's legs before they went to follow Romelle, but you noticed Laz hiding behind Ulaz's legs. Romelle noticed and she patiently waited for him. You smiled as Ulaz knelt down.

"D-do I have to go?" Laz asked quietly.

"Yes, it is important for you to learn new things and make new friends." Ulaz told him.

"But what if I can't learn? And what if I never make any friends?" Laz asked as he started to cry.

"Do you remember what I have always said?" Ulaz asked Laz.

"Say please and thank you?" Laz asked, hoping that was the right answer.

"That too, but no." Ulaz said.

"Knowledge or death?" Laz asked after a few moments of thinking.

"Yes, just remember that throughout the day. And always say please and thank you." Ulaz said as he gave Laz a reassuring smile.

"Okay, I guess I'll try." Laz said as he gave you and Ulaz a hug before following Romelle and his sisters to the classroom.

You and Ulaz then went home. Since he took the day off of work he could spend the day with you and your new twins.


When you and Ulaz went to go pick Mur, Laz, Kocho and Gev up from preschool you saw all of the preschool kids lined up near the front door. Your kids all ran up to you and Ulaz and hugged you. They of course were careful because Ulaz had the baby sling on with Zev and Zux inside of it.

"Well, how were they?" You asked Romelle.

"They behaved quite well and did everything they were told. They even participated in the lesson." Romelle told you.

"That's great. Well, see you tomorrow." You said to Romelle as you, Ulaz and your kids went back to your SUV.

On the way home your kids told you about how much fun they had and what they did. Laz had even made his very first friend.

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