TFP Optimus x Blind Femme Reader x Megatron Part 2

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Shortly after you, Optimus and Megatron interfaced in the cave you found out that you were sparked. When you tell Optimus and Megatron they agree to end the war.


Lately you hadn't been feeling well. Your tanks hurt, you were tired and you felt dizzy. So you decided to go see Ratchet while everyone else was out.

"Ratchet, I think that I'm sick." You said as you walked into the med bay.

"What are your symptoms?" Ratchet asked you as he helped you get on the med berth.

"I'm more tired than normal, my tanks hurt and I feel dizzy." You said, hoping that there was nothing wrong with you.

Ratchet hummed as he scanned you. When he saw the results he had to scan you again, just to make sure that he was seeing correctly. Next to your spark was two smaller sparks. They were very tiny, but they were there. He couldn't believe that you were carrying, and he had a good idea of who the sires were. 

"Y/C/n, you're carrying twins." Ratchet said softly.

"I-I am?" You asked him.

"Yes, and they appear to be healthy." He told you.

"Thank you, Ratchet." You said as you got off of the med berth and went to the main area. 

You couldn't believe it, you had two tiny sparklings growing inside of you. You weren't sure how Optimus would react since the war was still going. A while later you heard the other Autobots come back and transform. When you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind you knew that it was Optimus.

"How did it go?" You asked him.

"It went well." Optimus replied.

"Optimus, c-can we talk somewhere private?" You asked him nervously.

"Of course, sweetspark." He replied as you both went to your shared berthroom.

When you both got to your berthroom Optimus closed the door. He could tell that you were really nervous about something and he thought something was wrong.

"O-Optimus, have you ever wanted sparklings of your own?" You asked, hoping that he wouldn't be angry.

"Yes, as long as you were their carrier." Optimus said.

"W-well… You know how I haven't been feeling well? I-it appears that I'm carrying twins." You said quietly.

Optimus couldn't believe it, you were sparked. He knew that he was the sire. But he knew that Megatron could also be the sire because some of his transfluid had spilled over the opening of your valve. 

"Everything will be alright." Optimus said as he pulled you in for a hug.


A few days after you told Optimus that you were sparked you both told the rest of the Autobots. They couldn't wait till the sparklings arrived. However, right now you and Optimus were in a forest waiting for Megatron. When Megatron got to where you and Optimus were his optics widened when he saw you.

"Megatron… There's something that I need to tell you." You said nervously.

"And what would that be?" Megatron asked you.

"I-I'm sparked with twins…. And you and Optimus are the sires." You said quietly.

Megatron was shocked that he and Optimus were going to be sires. They eventually agreed to end the war for your sake. Megatron announced that the war was over when he got back to the Nemesis. Now all the Autobots and the Decepticons had to do was fugue out a way to restore Cybertron.

                ~ A few years later ~ 

You, Megatron and Optimus were peacefully recharging in your berth when your sparklings came running in your berthroom. With Cybertron fully restored you could raise your sparkings on your home planet. Although you all occasionally visited Earth.

"Mama, papa, daddy! Wake up!" Your daughter said as she and your son climbed onto the berth.

"What?" You asked as you woke up.

"We're hungry." Your son said shyly.

"Okay, we're awake." Optimus said as he woke up.

"Yay!" Your daughter said happily as she and her brother raced each other to the kitchen.

You kissed Optimus and Megatron as you three woke up. You three eventually went to the kitchen to have your morning energon with your sparklings. 

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