TFP Megatron x Optimus' Sister Reader x Soundwave Part 2

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The next morning when you woke up you saw that both Soundwave and Megatron were still recharging. You smiled as you kissed them both. They soon woke up and snuggled up to you.

"Good morning." You said softly.

"Good morning, my love." Megatron said.

"How are you feeling?" Soundwave asked you.

"Sore, but it's worth it." You said as you smirked.

Megatron got up and left the room. A few minutes later he came back and you saw that he was carrying three cubes of energon. He got on the berth again and gave you and Soundwave each an energon cube. You happily drank your energon, enjoying the taste. Soundwave and Megatron finished theirs before you finished yours. 

"I've put Shockwave in charge so that Soundwave and I can enjoy a day with you." Megatron said as he kissed your neck cables.

Soundwave cupped your faceplates in his thin servos and pressed his derma against yours in a soft, passionate kiss. You were lucky to have Megatron and Soundwave as your mates. When they both pulled away you three went back to cuddling. For the rest of the day you, Megatron and Soundwave just enjoyed each other's company. 

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