1. New kid

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Sam pov.

Being perfect is not that good. That's what I truly feel.

From when I was a kid, my parents always asked me to be a good boy, study hard to get a perfect score, always be the number 1.

I was used to being trained to be perfect. But it was never easy.

No one knows how hard I study until late night to satisfying my mother who always asked the perfect score, or else she would punish me. The punishment is always changing, sometimes she locked me in the room for a day without any food, and sometimes she spank my butt until I can't feel if it still right there or not.

So when I was kid, I was so scared if I didn't get a perfect score, I'll be starving for a day, or my butt is gonna be really gone someday. Or that what I thought.

I'm 17 now. As used to being perfect, that's what everyone thinks of me. At least that's what my parents wanted.

But honestly, I'm not perfect. At all. It's just a mask that I use in front of everyone.

What I truly feel inside is that I am so sick of people, just like I am so sick of myself who always try to perfect.

As I get older now, well I know I only 17 but anyway as I get older now, the more I think about why should I be perfect. No one can be perfect. No one.

That's what I thought. Before I met him. From the first time I saw him I was like.. Damn how can he looks so perfect.

That was the story back to weeks ago. So enough about me. Because this story is not only about me. This is about him too. The perfect guy for me.


It is the first day of the new semester, I don't really fond of school life but it's a formal thing that I have to go through out my life.

School is always boring for me, especially the people. Fake friends, fake friends are everywhere. They who approach me just because I am Sam Lin, my last name sure is left a huge impact on my life.

Everyone after hearing my last name will always being so good to me. They always smile to me, taking care of me, and they always take a good side of me.

But I know, I always know that it's all fake.

But among all those fake people, I have one person even though I don't want to admit him as a friend, but he is the only person who I can trust. We knew each other since we were a kid. His father works with my father and we have met a few times when our parents discuss about business or anything.

I remember the first time I met him when we were 7 years old, at my house, he drank the water from my fish pond. When I asked him why he drank the water, he said that he was curious how the water with fish tasted and he realized that the water tasted terrible. Until now he still frowns whenever he looks a fish. So yes he is stupid.

But anyway he is my only friend. Tian.

"Yo Sam!"

There he is, waving his hand highly with an idiot smile all over his face.

"Have you check which class you are?" Tian asked me while putting his arm around my shoulder which I hate so much. I hate to be touched. 

And he's asking a stupid question. We met at the school gate so of course I haven't check the class.

"Hands off." I said to him shoving his hands by moving my shoulder.

"Hi Sam, hi Tian."

Some girls from another class said hi to us. I just give my smile to them, and Tian is waving at them.

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