Alpha Season

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Marcel's Pov

So close. So close. So close.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I thrusted into Y/n, hearing her whimpers over and over again. It drove me crazy just listening to them. My only goal was to make her cum. I wanted her to cum for the third time tonight.

The first time I took her against the dresser after we came up to my room after dinner. I couldn't keep my eyes or my hands off of her all night. Her short, tight dress was driving me mad. The material was so thin that I could practically see her nipples straining against the fabric when she sat across from me at the dinner table. She didn't wear a bra on purpose. She wanted me to notice.

So of course it was no surprise to her that I was turned on pass the point of no return. When we entered my bedroom I ripped her dress off and we didn't even make it to the bed. It's not the first time ever made love to her against my dresser but it's broken so many times from us. I don't know what my mother will think when I tell her that need a new one... again.

Our second round consisted of hot water and steamy make out sessions. We were bathing together and of course with my mate completely naked and sitting next to me in the bath tub that's so big that it could be a hot tub- the bath bomb in the water, bath salts making our skin smooth, candles were lit instead of the blinding bathroom lights... How could I possibly resist Y/n looking as cute as ever?

Now we're here. Making love for the third time tonight.

Although I wouldn't call this making love. I'm completely devouring her because of my rut. It usually lasts a few days so she's in for a much longer ride than what she's giving me right now.

"Yes, yes, yes!" She panted above me, moving her hips up and down on me, causing me to twitch inside of her. "I'm gonna cum... I'm gonna cum... Gonna cum." She repeated as she rode me through her orgasm.

I held her in place before flipping us over and thrusting into her once, twice, three times before cumming myself.

I panted as I pulled out of her and cuddled her to my side, pressing numerous kisses to her cheek. "That was amazing... Round four?" I asked against her ear to which she swatted me away from her.

"I need to get some rest. I'm going shopping tomorrow with the girls and I have to wake up early." I said.

"Don't go." I whined, pulling her closer to me. "Please don't leave, I want to cuddle all day tomorrow." I said.

She hummed and kissed my cheek but I pouted and pushed my lips against hers, hungrily nibbling at her lips until she reluctantly pulled away. "Your parent's anniversary is coming up and I need a to buy a new dress... I'll only be gone for a few hours." She said.

"I can send in your measurements to our tailor and he can make you a dress. You don't have to spend the whole morning out." I pleaded, wanting nothing more than to burry myself inside of her first thing tomorrow morning. So tight, so warm, and so loud when I fuck her in the morning. "Please stay, we can have sex again." I whispered.

She giggled and ruffled my hair, "You're so horny, I think time apart would do you some good." She teased.

"Or torture me." I groaned. I kissed her neck, she gave me more access by turning her head and allowing me to kiss her sensitive skin that I leave my mark on every time. I have to show other betas that she's taken. I'm sure they smell my scent on her though and they wouldn't dare try to flirt with my mate unless they want their throat pulled out.

"You'll survive." She said. "If you keep kissing me like this, we'll never fall asleep." She sighed.

"That's the point." I smirked.

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