Beerbongs and Bad Boys

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I met him at a frat party.

I should have know he was no good but I fell for him anyways.

He was blowing smoke out of his mouth in the shape of a heart, it was intoxicating. Yet he was intoxicatingly sexy. Maybe I just wanted to rebel against my parents, maybe it was the way he held eye contact at all times and it was intimidating, or maybe it was just because he was every good girl's worst nightmare.

He rode a motorcycle, he had tattoos and piercings plastered over his body, I never seen him wear anything but a tank top and skinny jeans, he was hardly ever in class which was really annoying to me because this is college, he's paying for his education yet blowing it off, he gets sent to the Dean's office at least once a week, he spray painted his initials on the side of the library, and he still walks around campus like he couldn't give two fucks.

He was dangerous.

To get involved with him would be like dancing with the devil and that was certainly nothing I seen myself doing.

However, when my boyfriend broke up with me for a guy, I felt so heartbroken that I needed to get drunk so I went to the only person I knew who had a fake ID, Edward Styles.

So he offered to take me out for drinks, he listened to me cry about it and only had encouraging words to say. He's actually sweeter than I thought. But he knew alcohol wouldn't help me. He gave me an entire lecture about how the buzz will stay for a few hours then I'd just feel worse. So instead, he took me back to his dorm and baked me cookies and let me continue to vent to him about everything. We watched a few romance movies, stuffed our faces, and he even agreed to letting me braid his lengthy curly hair that was to the top of his shoulders.

Everything seemed to feel normal with him that I forgot that he was the bad boy I promised myself I'd stay away from. But so far, Edward wasn't that bad...And that's how one thing lead to another and Edward and I began our fling.

I thought it was gonna be a one time thing because I absolutely didn't want to get involved with him, however I ended up texting him two days after for another hookup.

That was 2 months ago.Now here we are, my roommates being the nosy little shits they are, waiting for me in the living room for an interrogation after they heard me sneak someone in last night.

"Someone's happy today." Samantha smirked at me as I passed her and our other roommate, Rosie to get to the kitchen.

"Just like every other morning." I tried my best to shrug them off.

"Ugh! Just spill Y/n, you've been sneaking some random guy in at night for the past two months and we're dying to meet him already." Rosie said.

"It's complicated. We're just friends with benefits, you know, we're just helping each other out with our sexual needs." I mumbled.

"Just friends with benefits?" Sam raised an eyebrow at me. "You two have sex at least three times a night. It seems way more than just helping out sexual needs." She smirked. "Are you saying you have no feelings for him at all?"

"Yes, I'm sure." I rolled my eyes at them and poured myself some coffee. I'm gonna need it to stay awake today.

"God, you're lucky. I haven't been laid in at least 3 months." Rosie sighed. "What's he like? I mean, we both hear practically everything but how is it?"

"It's different... He's the best I've ever had." I smiled, stirring my coffee. It's true. Based on the other two guys I've been with, Edward is by far the best.

"The best?" Sam gushed. "We need to meet this guy."

"I feel like we already have, he's loud in bed." Rosie smirked. "But can you go to his place tonight? I have a test tomorrow that I would like to wake up on time for."

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