Just me, Him, and the Moon

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The ideal date that Marcel planned for us was to go to the drive in because he's really into old fashion things but he realized that the drive in is where a lot of people from our school go to hang out on a Saturday night and didn't want to go there seeing as majority of the popular kids will be there and they always pick on him.

So he drove us all the way out to the woods in his step dad's truck, brought enough snacks to last us through a zombie apocalypse, his laptop, and a bunch of fluffy blankets, making a comfortable bed for us to lay on in the trunk of his truck while we watch our movie.

He's the sweetest.

"This is so romantic." I cooed as Marcel set up everything. "But a little creepy with us being in the middle of no where." I said, looking out in the dark field that connected to the forest. If something were to come out of there, we'd see it in the meadow but it's still feels like we're in a scary movie.

"Yeah, I brought you out here so no one could hear you scream when I murder you." He sarcastically said, tossing his backpack in the trunk part.

"Murder my pu-"

"Get your mind out of the gutter." He interrupted me with a gasp."I'm joking. This is really sweet of you. It's quite out here... dark... no one around." I smirked.

"You have a filthy mind, babe. You're lucky you're cute." He held out his hand for me so he could help me on the back of his truck.

"Oh am I?" I smirked, climbing up and settling down next to him. "Is that the only reason you like me? Because I'm cute?" I teased.

"That's one reason." He winked at me. "You're also funny, caring, smart... and you have a nice bum."

I playfully hit his chest, "And here I thought you were gonna get sentimental on me."

"To be fair, it's a very cute bum." He pressed a kiss to my cheek. "I'm mesmerized when I look at it." He teased. "So sexy." He placed his hand on my thigh and gently squeezed.

"Yeah and you're lucky I like your di-"

"Baby!" He groaned, cheeks flushing at my naughty comment that I didn't even get to say.

"I'm kidding... Sort of. I most definitely like it but you're amazing too." I smirked.

He opened up his laptop and typed in his password, opening up a website where he clicked on a movie that he bought for this occasion."I know you aren't as interested in syfy as much as I am so I picked a science fiction/ romance movie..." He smirked. "Wall-e."

He's too cute.

"I love that movie." I cuddled into his side and laid my head on his shoulder.

"I also brought your favorite snacks." He opened up the bag and handed me a grilled cheese sandwich. "I cooked it just the way you like it and I put it in an airless plastic bag to keep it warm. I also brought you some potato chips... doesn't really go together but I know you like it." He handed them to me and I thanked him with a kiss.

"You're so thoughtful." I smiled. "But what about drinks?"

"I have juice boxes and water." He said. "I also have candy and a few cookies but I'd hate to have you on a sugar high." He teased, gently kissing my forehead.I rolled my eyes but didn't say anything, just pulled the blankets up because it was getting cold out here and I really just wanted to cuddle with Marcel.

We made it to the part where Eve put the flower in her system and went on eco mode our whatever it's called before I've had enough of just sitting here in the middle of no where with him doing nothing.

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