Love on the Brain

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Marcel's Pov

I sat at the kitchen table, typing out my English essay that's due in two weeks when Edward walked by and closed my laptop in the middle of me typing a sentence.

"What was that for?" I frowned as I opened my laptop back.

"You do too much homework, it ruins my mood." He shrugged.

I rolled my eyes as I went back to typing and he raided the fridge for food.

"Stop being an arsehole to your favorite brother." Harry came in and ruffled my hair.

"Never in a million years will Marcel be my favorite anything. Edward sarcastically said.

"Remember that when you need your homework done or you fail a test and need me to retake it for you." I mumbled.

"If I recall, you said he was your favorite this morning when you found out your girlfriend of two weeks was shagging me." Harry said as he sat next to me with his math textbook.

"And I'll still kick your arse for that." Edward flipped him off. "I didn't like that whore any-"

"Language." Mum said as she walked pass the kitchen to answer the door.

I decided to drown out everything Edward was saying. He's always being inappropriate.

Mum soon came walking back down the hallway with Y/n trailing behind her. "Y/n is here." She said before going back to the living room.

I looked up from my laptop to greet the most gorgeous species to ever exist when Edward cleared his throat from the kitchen to get her attention.

"I see you couldn't resist my charm, love." He smirked.

"I'm glad you found your way over, we can go right upstairs and-"

She interrupted him when she leaned down to kiss me, knocking the air from my lungs. We've been secretly dating for 3 months and I'm not exactly big on PDA. I find it gross and if you want to kiss your significant other, you should do it in private that way it's more intimate but God, does it feel good to have Y/n kiss me.

She pulled away from me and turned to look at Edward.

"In your dreams Edward." She then turned back to me and smiled. "I have something I want to show you... daddy." She whispered the last word to me but by the looks of it, Edward and Harry obviously heard.

My eyes widen as she closed my laptop for me and walked me upstairs to my bedroom.

Edward's Pov

"Am I crazy or did she just call Marcel daddy?" I huffed.

"If you're crazy, I'm crazy too because I heard the same thing." Harry said.

My friends Michael, Calum, Luke, and Ashton texted me that they were outside, ready to start rehearsing so I went to the garage to open the door and let them in. We're in a band called 5 sos- it's punk rock.

"You'll never believe what happened." I started to say.

Marcel's Pov

"Baby, you can't just call me that in front of people, especially my brothers. They'll never let me hear the end of it." I groaned.

"I thought you liked when I called you-"

"I do." I cut her off and pushed my glasses up my nose.

"But Edward is going to give me hell for this later."

"I don't think they even heard me." She huffed. "Besides, Edward can shove it. He's always picking on you and I won't hesitate to do something about it soon. You don't deserve to get teased all the time."

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