Fang Him Then Bang Him

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Flowers, chocolates, and stuffed teddy bears were stuffed in my locker from my boyfriend of three months. He's sweet, very over affectionate, and extremely nerdy. I love that about him. Plus my locker is three times as big as anyone else's because I compelled the janitor to personalize it for me so my boyfriend has fun buying me things to fill it with.

But this whole love obsession started when I compelled him to do my homework for me. Then I compelled him to flirt with me to make my ex boyfriend jealous. It worked. My ex boyfriend came crawling back to me but I was having too much fun with my little minion. Marcel Styles.

Compelling people has always been easy for me. I feed off of humans so it takes little to no strength at all for me to walk up to someone and make them do things for me. It's how I've survived all these years. And believe me, I'm old. 623 years old to be exact but I don't look a day over 18 because that's when I was turned.

I opened up the small box of chocolates and took one out, savoring the taste for awhile until I heard someone walking up to me, nearly tripping over their feet as they did so. My love bug.

"Oops." He mumbled as he tripped over his feet, his lanky legs doing him no good, before he got up and smiled at me. "Hi."

"Hi." I hummed.

"Did you get my love letter?" He asked, sliding his glasses back up his nose with his index finger.

"Love letter?" I frowned.

"Yeah, I put it in the flowers." He explained.I retrieved the bouquet of roses he gave me and picked up the card.

To my sweetheart, the love of my life. I've counted the days I've been in love with you and so far it's been 93 days but it feels like eternity. You make me feel like I can do anything in this world and for that, I will love you forever. I want to give you the entire world because you're my entire world.

Always in my heart, Marcel

I gulped, looking up at him. He had a small box in his hands. "For you." He smiled, slowly opening it, reveling a ring. It was beautiful, it looked expensive. "It's a promise ring." He said, picking it up to place on my finger. "That one day I will be lucky enough to marry you. I don't want to change anything about you except your last name. I love you."

"Oh... This is something." I had no idea he was this deep in love with me. I only compelled him to be my boyfriend, I should have broke it off after my ex wanted a second chance. "Marcel, this is really sweet of you." I began to say. "I'm extremely flattered but you're so young."

"We're both young." He said. Little did he know. "But that doesn't change how I feel about you."

"No, you don't get it." I sighed. "I'm not who you think I am."

"Love, I know you better than anyone in the world. And I know that you're it for me. You're the one I'm gonna end up with. I believe you're my soulmate, that there's someone out there for everyone and you're that someone for me." He explained.

"No, that's werewolves." I mumbled. "Okay, look," I gripped his shoulder. "I'm not your girlfriend. I just wanted you to think I was."

"W-what do you mean?"

"I compelled you to believe I was your girlfriend so I could make my ex boyfriend jealous." I said.

"Compulsion doesn't exist. I don't understand..." He frowned.

"I'm a vampire. I compelled you. You don't really want to be with me. You're only with me because you're forced."

"I'm not compelled, love. I'll prove it to you... Turn me into a vampire." He said.

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