We're So Vanilla

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"I don't know about this, love." Marcel nervously fumbled with his sleeves, looking out to the field to watch the players play. "We could get caught."

"We won't get caught." I said, creasing his knuckles with my thumb. "It's dark out and everyone is focused on the game." I stated.

He bit his lip, looking at me, his cheeks tinting a bright pink. "Harry needs all of the support he can get, he's really bummed out that mum couldn't make it and if he looks in the audience for us and sees we're not here, it'll break his heart." He sighed. "I promise we can do it after the game at my house." He whispered in my ear so no one else could here.

I mean, I'm not usually a typical horny teenager that has illegal sex in public but every since the conversation we had the other day with our small group of friends about where was the craziest place we've ever done it and everyone had scandalous answers while Marcel and I didn't, it's been driving me crazy. Especially with Edward's teasing. He's so annoying.

So Marcel and I talked about somewhere we could sneak off and do it in public and tonight came to mind because what better place to do it than a football game? But now he's chickening out.

"But that defeats the whole purpose." I groaned.

"Baby, it's so unsanitary. People do it behind the bleachers all the time and it's gross. What if another couple is back there, imagine how humiliating that would be." He said. "I'd rather do it with you at home where I know no one is looking and we aren't getting grass stains in our clothes."

"What if I..." I leaned into him, whispering in his ear the last part so no one else could hear.

His eyes widen and he bit his lip, looking into my eyes to see if I was serious. "You've... you've never done that before.

"I've only never done it because he was too scared he might choke me to death or something but I'll most definitely do it.

"So if I agree to um-"


"Then you'll.."

"Yes." I smiled, lacing my fingers with his.

His eyes scanned the field one more time, spotting Harry playing defense so he shouldn't notice us leaving right now.

"Okay, I'll leave first then you meet me behind the bleachers in 2 minutes." He said, placing a kiss on my cheek before making his way down the stairs and shooting a wink my way before he disappeared out of sight.

I starred down at my phone, anxiously waiting for 120 seconds to tick by.

I heard someone clear their throat behind me, gently knocking their knees against my back. I turned to see Edward with a smirk on his face, his body leaning back and between one of his girl friend's legs.

"Is tonight the big night?" He teased. "Are you two finally getting some outside of the bedroom?"

"How did you know about that?" I frowned.

"His bedroom is right next to mine and maybe I held my ear up to the wall and overheard you two talking." He smirked. "Anyways, have fun with that love, very typical high school love affair, sneaking off behind the bleachers."

"You're gross." I huffed, going down to meet up with Marcel.

"Remember protection and be back before halftime." He chuckled.

He was waiting for me right underneath the home side bleachers, pulling my arm with his until we were back far enough where no one could see.

Once he knew we were completely out of sight he pulled me against him and kissed me, his lips smashing against mine.

I placed my hands on his chest before trailing them down to his torso and hips. "You've been working out." I smiled.

"A little." He shyly mumbled. "So are you really going to, um, you know, suck my... Are you going to make me say it?"I giggled, kissing his jawline, the corner of his lips, his chin, then lastly planted a kiss on his lips before I bent down so I was face to face with his crotch.

"I've wanted to do this for a while now." I smirked, popping open his button.His eyes blinked down at me, creasing my cheek with his thumb. "You don't have to try to take it all." He mumbled. "I will be more than satisfied if you just lick the base and tip, I promise you don't have to force me in your-"

"Marcel, calm down." I giggled, slowly pulling his pants down, seeing his happy trail lead to his erection.

My fingers slipped inside his underwear, feeling how silk he felt against them. His breathing already started to pick up as he bit his lip to keep from moaning. "Y/n.." He whispered.

"I just want you to know that I won't force you in my mouth, I promise I won't choke." I smiled, flicking my thumb over his tip, earning an inward groan from him. "I won't choke because I don't have any gag reflexes." I winked up at him before taking inch by inch of him in my mouth.

His eyes practically rolled to the back of his head, placing his right hand on my head to run his fingers through my hair and his left leaned back, squeezing the railing. "F-fuck... You don't have to.. You don't have to do that, love." He gasped. "But please don't stop." He whimpered, his hips lightly thrusting forward involuntary.

I hummed against him, my hands reaching up to fondle his balls, rubbing my thumbs back and forth as my mouth bobbed up and down on him.

"Y/n.. Oh!... Yes, just like that." He moaned, softly tugging on my hair. I moan quietly against him, pulling off to pump him a few times around his girth, licking the tip tenderly.

I can see him struggling between keeping himself standing upright and wanting to curl his toes in on themselves before falling to his knees because it feels so good. Or at least I think so.

"Baby, if you want me to last, you have to pull off." He panted, his voice horsed from trying to stay quiet.

I shook my head, looking up at him as I put him back in my mouth.

"Oh God," He helped guide me, thrusting slightly into my mouth as I dig my nails into the back of his thighs, sweat glistening his forehead from what I could see in the dark, as he dips his chin down to his chest to gaze at me. "You're so good at this. Why have I never let you do this before?" His eyes burned into mine before his mouth dropped open, groans and moans escaping his lips.

I hummed against him again, licking the underside of his prick as he choked on his louder moans, biting down on his bottom lip to keep from screaming. "I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum."

"In my mouth." I mumbled, pulling off until just the tip was in my mouth while my right hand twisted and pumped up and down his length.

"F-fuck." He gasped, scratching his nails against my scalp and thrusting his hips through his orgasm. "Y/n... Y/n... Mmmm, fuck, baby." He moaned.

I pulled off of him, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand as he panted."I owe you one. Or like five because that was the best orgasm I've ever had." He chuckled, lazily running his fingers through his hair.

"When we go to your house later." I winked, standing back up and helping him pull his pants back up.

He fixed my hair a bit, making sure it wasn't messed up before lacing his fingers with mine. "Do you think it would be suspicious if we went back together?" I asked.

"Maybe." He shrugged, clearly not caring after what I just did as he lead the way back and I trailed behind him with our hands still linked together.He easily maneuvered us through the bleachers, back to our seats.

"You're back early. What happened, did he finish too fast for you, love?" Edward chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, scooting closer to Marcel as he bit his lip, ignoring his brother.

"Not that you need to know but the craziest place we've done it is behind the bleachers. I know it's not as scandalous as yours but we're getting there." I winked at Marcel and he blushed, smiling at me.

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