Secret Smut

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The bell just rang, signaling that last period was over and guess what, it's Friday. Finally. I've spent this whole week being a backstabbing best friend and I'm so glad it's over with, I just wanna start fresh and enjoy my weekend.

"I still can't believe Ms. Smith gave me a D. I spent four hours on this paper, typed it, presented it, and wore a dress yet she gave me a D. That bitch has another thing coming for her." My best friend, Zoey said before crumbling up her assignment and tossing it in the trash.

We started walking towards the back of the school, squeezing through the crowd of people rushing to go home.

"Maybe if you didn't do it last minute, you would've gotten a higher grade." I shrugged.

"Hey, I attempted to do it last week but I spilled my coffee on it." She defended herself.

"Whatever you sa-" I was cut off by squealing when I felt someone give a hard slap to my bum. I turned around to see who it was and was met with a smirking Edward Styles. I removed his hand since he decided to keep it there before glaring up at him.

"What do you want?" Zoey frowned. She hates Edward's guts because they dated for two weeks before he cheated on her with her cousin when she invited him to a family picnic.

The day she found out, she called me up, crying her heart out until she fell asleep. She was so heartbroken.

"Hey baby. Long time, no see." He sarcastically said.

"I told you to stop calling me that months ago. When are you ever gonna learn I'm not into you anymore?" She sasses, crossing her arms over her chest.

"The day you stop posting random 'boys are pricks' tweets." He chuckled.

"Ironic how you still follow me on twitter, give it up." She rolled her eyes.

"Give it up." He mocked her before turning to me. "I didn't come over here to talk to you anyways, if I recall, I grabbed Y/n's arse, not yours." He smirked down at me once again.

"Well, she's not interested in talking to you. Unfortunately, not every girl here is into being your fuckbuddy between your hiatus of girls." Zoey said.

"Ouch." He placed his hand over his heart with a fake hurt expression on his face. "I was actually gonna invite you to my house, my mum's not home this weekend. Think about all the things we can do..." He winked down at me.

"You really are a prick, aren't you?" I scuffed. "What idiot asks someone to their house in front of their ex girlfriend? You're lucky we're at school or I'd personally kick your arse for touching mine." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Babe, if you didn't want to, all you had to say was no." He glared down at me, causing me to roll my eyes.

"No!" And with that, he shrugged his shoulders before saying, "Your lost." And exiting out the back door to the student parking lot.

Zoey looked at me in shock, "He's a-"

"Yeah..." I finished for her and she chuckled. "Anyways, I have to go make up a test for History. I'll call you when I get home later." I gave her a hug.

"A make up test on a Friday? You sound like a boring grandma." She laughed. "Bye."

I started walking towards the B wing as she exited out through the student parking lot. Just one thing, I'm not going to make up a test.

I made a my way around the library before circling back around with a guilty smile on my face as I felt a pair of arms snake their way around my waist. "Think she bought it?"

I'm a terrible best friend. I'm a terrible best friend.

"Definitely." I turned around and met Edward's eyes before he lifted up my chin for a quick peek on the lips. "Is your mum really not home this weekend?"

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