My Minx Mate

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Marcel's Pov

"You tried going rogue?!" I barked at one of our pack members who was being heled down by my omega and beta. He was being watched after some of my men claim that they seen him giving other packs information about us. "You know the penalty for that." I growled. "You will be exiled tomorrow morning."

"M-marcel, I-"

"You will address me as Alpha Marcel and nothing else but that." I said, my eye glowing their yellow alpha color as my dominate senses took over.

"Alpha Marcel, I beg of you to spare my life. I was only giving out false information, I swear." He stammered over his words as I stood over him, wanting to rip his throat out myself for being dishonest and disloyal to this pack but my beautiful mate is standing five feet from me and I'd rather her not see me like that. "I'll do anything."

My omega and beta looked at me, almost as if saying I should spare him and let him go but I can't do that. Then other werewolves would try to step out of line and expect to not get punished which would result in them all challenging me for the throne and I will not have that.

"Tomorrow morning." I said through gritted teeth. "You have until then to say goodbye to your friends and family and you're lucky I'm giving you that privilege." I turned away, gripping Y/n's hands and leading her away from this madness.

Once we were back on the main floor of the palace, I felt Y/n tug on my arm, getting my attention to turn and face her. I did. And I instantly calmed down, my eyes going back to their normal color.

"I'm sorry you had to see that." I huffed. "I know I ruined our date, I'm sorry but duty called and I had to handle that. I just- I understand if being mated to the alpha is going to stress you out and all but I love you, I really, really do and-"

"Marcel, relax." She giggled. "Breathe." She demonstrated. "I'm not mad at you." She said.

"You're not?"

"No, silly. I understand that you have alpha duties, I know you're the most important male in the pack and sometimes you have to tend to other things. But I still love you." She smiled. "And I have to admit that you taking control and showing no mercy like that was a huge turn on." She winked.

I felt a small spark light up inside me. Oh.

"You did?" I smirked. "Would you like me to show no mercy on you?"

She bit her lip, closing the gap between us and kissing me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close to me. I love this girl so much.

"More." She mumbled against my lips.

"Love, are you-"

"Yes." She answered before I could even finished asking her. "I've been in heat since this morning but you were out on your run when I woke up then when you came back, you took a quick shower so you could attend a meeting early so I set up a lunch for us alone that way afterwards we can sneak off to the bedroom but you got interrupted with your duties and now I'm absolutely craving you." She explained. "So let's go upstairs right now."

"I like the sound of that." I whispered in her ear and took her hand in mine, creasing her knuckles with my thumb. "But I have a few more meetings I have to attend." I groaned.

"They'll hardly notices you're gone." She said.

"I'm the alpha, baby." I stated. "But I have 10 minutes to spare right now."

"Not long enough... Can't you just show up late, it's not like anyone will question you." She frowned, cupping my cheeks and kissing along my jawline.

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