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I rung the doorbell of my best friend, Darcy Styles" house and waited for her to answer. We're both home for Christmas break. After spending nearly a three hour drive away from each other for our third year of college because I transferred to a further school and we hardly see each other anymore, we both can't wait to hang out over break.

"You're here!" She practically jumped in my arms and laughed, easily wrapping my arms around her and lifting her off of the ground. "Oh my gosh! Tell me everything. How is it at UCL? Have you met any cute boys? Did you sleep with a professor yet? I know we've always joked about that when we were younger but it's actually more common than you think. I know four girls that have slept with a few professors at my school. Is the food as good as everyone says it is? Did you pass your finals?!"

"Breathe babe, let me come in first at least. It's freezing out here." I giggled and she quickly pulled me inside where we continued to catch up.

I told her everything. College life, boys, my school job, my school work, and everything in between.

We were in our own little world, just like when we were younger until that bubble burst. Her dad walked in with groceries and he instantly caught my attention.

Oh how I've missed seeing Mr. Styles.

I had the biggest crush on him when was still in grade school- everyone did. Darcy used to have girls in our class come up to her all the time and tell her that her dad was hot. Harry was, is, and always will be a dilf.

In high school, Darcy got out of a lot of work because her teachers all liked Harry. They always praised her for being a good student on back to school night and they would schedule parent/ teacher conferences just to tell Harry that he has a "very intelligent daughter who has so much potential."

Harry was a widow ever since Darcy turned four. He dated a few women here and there but never remarried.

That only made him more irresistible to all of the mums of our old schools. He was in the PTA, he was a soccer dad, he helped coach the softball team, he showed up to all of the school plays that Darcy was in, he organized bake sales for the school, and help do community service for the school.

I guess to any single mum or sane person, he was the perfect man.

And my stupid crush on his has yet to go away.

"Darcy, I bought the ingredients for s'mores like you wanted and some extra chocolate for you since I know it's that time of the month." He said as he dug in the bag and handed it to her before he noticed me.

"Dad." She flushed, embarrassed that he knew about it or said it out loud. I'm sure he just knew though, he used to always keep track of Darcy's periods when we were in high school so he could keep feminine products in the house and all of her cravings stocked in the kitchen.

"Sorry, I- I didn't know Y/n was coming over." He stumbled over his words as her looked down at me. "Hi, love. How have you been?"

My heart still fluttered when he called me love.

"I'm fine, thanks. How are you?" I politely asked and he smiled.

"Good, I'm good. Everything is good! If I had known you were coming, I would have bought things to make pasta, I know it's your favorite." He smiled.

"It's fine. I probably won't stay for dinner anyways, drove past a new diner on my way here that looked pretty good." I said.

"Your parents aren't home?" He asked.

"They're out of town for another four days but it's fine, I still have a key to the house. I won't be staying in a hotel or anything."

"No, you shouldn't be alone after coming home from college. You need home cooked meals and family to be around. Can she stay here, dad?" Darcy asked Harry and he looked between us, nervously biting his lip.

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