Not So Innocent

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In my original book, this had two parts but I'm just going to put them together so this is all one part :)


Marcel's Pov

There's always this girl that everyone seems to like because she's popular or hot or has big jugs but this wasn't the case.

God, no.

I liked this girl because she used to share her animal crackers with me in 3rd grade. And she wouldn't make fun of me when I couldn't kick the ball when we played football in p.e.

Not that she wasn't pretty or anything, she's gorgeous. And sure her body was amazing, she sprouted out well and all but that's not all she should be known for.

For instance, her laugh is possibly the cutest I've ever heard. She always seems so happy when you see her, always has a smile on her face. I just wish I was the cause of that smile.

And her personality was amazing. I always see her volunteering at the library when there's a book fair because she loves helping others. Such a kind hearted soul.

I just wish other people could look past her outer appearance and focus on the burning light she has inside of her. She's full of potential, just doesn't always show it.

Unfortunately we sort of drifted apart after elementary school. I was always the loner kid who sat by myself at lunch and she always seemed to have someone hanging out with her. She's very lovable.

I pass her in the halls everyday and she smiles at me... The again, she smiles at everyone so I don't really think nothing of it. Besides, I'm pretty sure she forgot what my name is.It's too bad she has a boyfriend, Rick.

He's handsome as, captain of the wrestling team, the most popular guy in school, second smartest in all of his classes- I'm obviously the first, and he has the most beautiful girlfriend here at Cheshire High.

Yeah. He's definitely winning.

There's no way I could ever compete with that. Well, at least I thought there wasn't anyway I could compete with that...Friday night, it was pouring outside. I was at home watching reruns of Doctor Who just like I do every weekend when someone rudely interrupted me by knocking on the door.It wasn't just one knock either. This person was pounding on the door and it couldn't have been my mum because she left for work an hour ago and never forgets anything so there would be no reason to come back. It couldn't be my sister, Gemma either since she's in college and always spends the weekends with her boyfriend plus she has a key so she wouldn't knock.

So I lifted myself off of the couch, dragged my feet to the door and opened it to face the idiot that decided now would be a good time to visit.

Only it wasn't an idiot, it was her. She was standing on the doorstep, my doorstep. Soaking wet.

I suddenly forgot to breathe let alone say something and invite her inside from the freezing cold.

"Hi, sorry, I know it's late but I left my backpack at school and my parents aren't home so I'm kind of locked out of my house. I just wanted to see if your mom was home." Her voice was like an angel's, I almost didn't answer her because I was so struck my her beauty. This is the closest I've been to her in- forever. And she's talking to me. Me! The dorkiest person she probably knows.

When I finally did stop staring at her, I answered in the worst way possible. "Uh... N-no my mum's not home. She went to work and won't be back til later... Much later." I nervously bit my lip as I watched her shiver from the cold.




Oh god, I'm such an idiot! Invite her inside you moron!

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