Mated to the Bad Boy

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"I have to go." I tried to gently push Edward away from me but he groaned, wrapping his arms around my back and pulling me against his chest.

"Mine." He mumbled against my lips.

"Edward, my dad is going to kill me if I'm not in before the full moon." I stated.

"Why can't you just tell him we're together? I can't stand being without you." He pouted.

"You know he'd hunt you down and try to kill you." I ruffled his hair as he leaned in to kiss me but missed when I turned my face so he ended up kissing my neck.

"I'm willing to take my chances. I love you." He whined, hands traveling down to my bum where he squeezed. "Please, tell him you're staying over with Gemma, he likes her."

"It's getting late, I don't want to wolf out and destroy your parent's basement." I frowned. Edward sleeps downstairs in the basement, mainly because it's really big and he prefers his privacy, but also because he's in a band called "5sos" and this is where they practice. His parents even went out of their way to make it soundproof because they like to "rock out" and be "punk rock". They do gigs here and there but they're still in their "garage phase".

"I can help you control it, I promise I won't let you destroy anything and even if you do, I won't care." He shrugged. "Please, love, don't you trust me?"


"Then stay. It drives me crazy when you leave, I just sit here and count the hours until you return." He sighed.

"How poetic of you." I playfully rolled my eyes.

"So you'll stay?" He smirked.

"I'll call him to see if it's okay and I have to ask your parents if-"

"My mum loves you, she won't mind at all." He said, patting my bum, gesturing for me to get off of him. "Call your dad and tell him about your "sleepover" with Gemma, I'll bring us down snacks."

I pulled out my phone and called my dad, taking forever to convince him to let me stay. I could sleepover on one condition: I stay away from the "juvenile delinquency" aka Edward. Little does he know...

"Did he agree?" Edward asked, tossing the bag of chips and cookies on his bed.

"Yeah." I smiled, opening my arms for a hug but he lifted me off the ground completely, twirling me around in his arms and squeezing me tight.

"The first of many nights we'll spend together." He smiled, pressing kisses to my cheek. "I can't wait to grow old with you, love."

"I can't wait to grow old with you either."

"So what should we do first?" He set me down.

"You can start teaching me how to control myself under a full moon like you promised," I suggested.

"It's easy, you just have to find your anchor, something that keeps you sane. Before I met you, mines was music, but obviously now, it's you." He said. "So when you feel your senses trying to take over, take a deep breath and think of something that keeps you sane." He explained.

I nod, thinking of him, shirtless, all sweaty and- whoa. Stop it right there. The last thing I need is for my hormones to sky rocket. I mean, they already do around him but I try to keep it together. We've been together for 2 weeks now and haven't mated yet, I wonder what's taking him so long.

"Did you find your anchor?" He smirked, noticing my cheeks heat up. "Was it me?"

"Yes," I cupped his cheeks, bringing him down to kiss me. That's when I realized that I needed him. Now

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