Professor Edward

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As much as I thrived to do well in school, I absolutely hated it. My parents have always pushed me to do better, they held me to a high standard since I was four years old so it was no surprise that they wanted me to go to an ivy league collage.

I personally didn't mind which school I got into, I only cared about furthering my education so I can start my career and get as far away from my parents as possible. My parents only have me so they want me to take over the family business one day. They're going to be shocked once I move out after graduation.

But I have three more years until that day comes.

Until then, I'll be the good girl they want me to be... When they're around.

"Hey Bambi, after class tomorrow, meet us at our usual spot." One of my 'friends' said to me as we passed each other in the hall and I nodded my head, not bothering to stop since I was already running a little late and tardiness is not tolerated in my English class.

My professor was entering the class the same time as me so he held the door open for me,

"Nice to see you on time this morning." He commented and I smiled, nodding curtly at him before entering and taking my usual seat in the front of the room.

Professor Styles is handsome, quite enjoy his class but he would never go after one of his students and find it embarrassing when girls openly flirt with him in class or walk around with their tops unbuttoned a little too low to be considered modest. He ignores them all and remains professional. I'm not sure why he would even think about crossing the line with the position he's in- a Yale professor, a job that's not easy to come by, it's not worth losing your job over hooking up with a student.

But girl can dream and half of the students in my class do, indeed daydream about him. I'm guilty of being one of them.

"I'll be passing back your essays once class officially begins but please write down our next writing prompt, it's on the board." He said as he got organized at his desk. A few more students came in before the clock hit 10:30 and then he was passing back our last essays. "If you have any questions regarding your grade or you are confused on some of the comments I left, you can meet with me during my office hours. As always, you can resubmit your essay for a higher grade if you wish to redo your entire essay."

He placed mine on my desk, face down which is never a good sign. He's never done that to me before, he always proudly hands it to me because I'm one of the top students in the class.

I flipped my essay over and saw a bright red D+ on the cover page. The lowest grade I've received in this class and in general is a B- and that was enough to make be work twice as hard to make it up and keep my perfect gpa but a D? Unacceptable.

"Some of you did better than others but I was very surprised at few of you. I was expecting better." He's not looking directly at me but he's talking to me. I know he is. I always do so well, what the hell happened this time? I glanced over his notes before we officially began class and felt my heart drop to my stomach. Weak thesis. Not enough quotes. Grammar mistakes. Missing main idea.

I'm most definitely going to be talking to him during his office hours.

After my English class finished and I attended my other class for the day, I glanced through my planner and looked for my English professor's information. I hardly ever have to meet during my professor's office hours so I'm not sure when his re but I wrote it down at the beginning of the to meet during my professor's office hours so I'm not sure when his re but I wrote it down at the beginning of the semester. One pm to three pm. It's 2:30 right now and his office is on the other side of campus.

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