He's Bad For My Health But I Still Wanna Try It

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I sat at my desk in my room, typing up my essay that's due for English tomorrow as I hummed to the music that I had playing through my earphones.

I didn't hear the tiny pebbles hitting my window or my boyfriend climbing up the side of my house, knocking on my window to get my attention so I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt his hand on my shoulder.

I squealed, turning around, ready to defend myself with my pencil to whoever it was when I seen his smirk and those eyes.

"A pencil? Really? That's your self defense, sweet cheeks?" Edward chuckled.

I sighed, placing my hand over my heart. "Edward, you asshole, what are you doing here?"

"Can't I come see my girl whenever I miss her?" He winked.

"Not when my dad is a trained sheriff that hears and sees everything." I whispered, rushing over to my door to lock it. "If he catches you up here-"

"He'll have my balls, I know. But I plan on them being sunk into you by then." He smirked, wrapping his arms around my waist and gently tugged me towards him. "Right, sweet cheeks?" He leaned into me and engulfed me in a kiss.

"Yes, he will and I need those." I huffed. "Without your balls, it'll just be a floppy dick." I teased.

"I'm yours, baby." He mumbled, kissing my cheek. "You own these balls." He chuckled.

"I'm serious, Edward." I frowned. "You shouldn't be sneaking in here."

"If I came through the front door he wouldn't let me in your room with the door close and I can't fuck you with your father watching us." He said.

"You have a good point." I mumbled.

"I do. Now, would you like to explain to me what you're doing look so damn cute in these shorts?" He smirked, hands traveling down to my bum where he squeezed.

"Sorry, I wasn't expecting you to come over, I would've changed into longer shorts." I flushed, looking down at the shorts that barely covered my ass.

"Are you kidding me? These are the perfect length, I wouldn't mind if they were shorter." He said, leaning back in to kiss me and I closed my eyes, getting lost in the kiss as he patted my thighs, motioning for me to jump into his arms all while he was still kissing me.

I leaped forward a bit and he walked us to my bed, falling backwards with me being on top.I moaned a little in his mouth and he gripped my bum with his hands. I ran my fingers up his stomach, feeling him clench his muscles under my touch before I started tugging up his shirt so he can remove it.

"What's the hurry, princess?" He pulled away from me, smirking. "Why so needy? You know I'll take care of you." He attached his lips to my neck and lightly bit down into my skin. "I always do."

"Fuck Edward..." I moaned, squeezing my legs around his thighs to create friction and release some of the tension between my legs."

I love it when you curse but watch your mouth, sweet cheeks." He mumbled, licking the small mark he made on my neck before he started sucking it to make it darker.

"Fuck you." I mumbled, biting my lip so no loud moans can slip out.

"I intend for you to, baby." He kissed his way back up to my lips and held me close to him, shoving his tongue in my mouth.

I whimpered in his mouth, slowly moving my crotch against his thigh.His hands reached up to grip my hips and keep them steady, leaving me no choice but to clench my thighs around his. "So bloody needy." He groaned.

"Please Edward." I pouted.

"Be patient." He took my bottom lip in between his teeth before he began sucking it, making my arousal even stronger. "Good things come to those who wait." He smirked.

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