High School Sweethearts

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There's always that one cute guy at your school that everyone loves because hello, he's gorgeous. Well, at my school, that's Harry Styles. The curly haired goofball that just so happens to be the star player on the football team.

He has the most exquisite green eyes that make you want to melt just by looking into them. Dimples deeper than the Pacific Ocean when he smiles. A laugh that sounds like a thousand angels are singing to you and the looks of a Greek God. I'm not making this up.

Well, that guy just so happened to steal my heart and surprise, surprise, I stole his too.I remember it perfectly.

We had Physics class together our junior year, he sat next to me and would always drum his fingers on the desk until I glanced at him. Then he'd obnoxiously blow bubbles with that strawberry flavored gum he'd always chew, really big to get my attention once again. Then finally he'd just scatter my flash cards all across desk and taunt me about them being out of order before offering to help rearrange them because, "It's my fault, love. I'm sorry."

And before I knew it, I fell in love with that annoying kid.

Of course, I thought he'd never go for a girl like me. I mean, he's not even friends with weirdos like me, why would he want to date one.

But he asked me if I wanted to see a movie with him after school one day and, "They're screening Kind Hearts and Coronets, we have to see it." He stated. "It's a classic." He added after I scrunched my nose up at the name.

"Never seen it before." I shrugged.

"You've been living under a rock, love. My grandmum used to watch it every Saturday at the theaters, she loved it. Then when I was 10, she showed me it for the first time. It's breathtaking." We approached the ticket stand and he pulled out his wallet before placing a $10 bill on the counter. "Two tickets to see Kind Hearts and Coronets, please."

"I can pay for my own ticket." I mumbled, reaching for my purse but he gently knocked my hands down.

"I asked you out... Wait, sorry. I asked you to the movies and-... I sorta invited you as my-.. Stop laughing at me." He mumbled in a cute, sad voice but there was a small smile on his lips.

"Cute. You two are in that awkward friend- dating zone." The lady behind the stand said as she slid our tickets over. "Next in line."

We both walked away with blushing cheeks and headed over to the snack bar in silence until we were halfway in line, that's when I spoke up. "I'm paying for the snacks."

"Does that mean I can order the largest things on the menu?" He smirked.

"No, it means I'm buying you a candy bar and a small soda." I teased.

"Fine by me." He shrugged, placing his arm around my shoulder and slightly pulling me closer to him. He's never done this before. I mean, he's hugged me and maybe playful nudged my shoulder before but never kept his arm there.

When it was time for us to order, he stepped forward and smiled at the guy behind the counter. "Two boxes of skittles and a small root beer with..." He looked down at me, making me freeze and nearly get hypnotized by his green eyes for who knows how long. "I'm guessing a lemonade."

"Um... no. I mean, yes. Yes! A lemonade's fine." I stammered over my words and Harry smiled that famous dimple smile that I love. Why is he doing this to me?

"Coming right up." The guy said, giving us a knowing look, causing Harry to chuckle and remove his arm."I'll pay." He took his wallet out again and I groaned.

"We just agreed that I was gonna pay." I mumbled.

"Maybe our next... outing, you'll pay." He shrugged. "I'm treating you this time." He placed the money on the counter and took the candy and his soda.

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