I'm Having You're Baby

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I wish I could deny it.

Hell, I did for the first two weeks, thinking my period would show up a little later than normal but then it didn't.

So I blamed it on my off balance hormones and stress. College isn't an easy place, you know.

Then I got sick...I tried to blame it on food poisoning or the flu but it happened for 5 days in a row and only in the morning.

So, my period was late and I had morning sickness. That could only mean one thing.I was pregnant.

And the father was Edward.I don't know what I was gonna do. We've only been going out for 8 months, we're both only 19, and neither one of us is ready for a child.

Hell, he still is a child. What am I supposed to do with two of them?I had to tell him.It was the right thing to do... Right?

I mean, I could try to hide it for a few months then just pop out like, "I'm having your baby, it's none of your business." But that would be terrible.

He's gonna break up with me, I just know it.

He's always been a bit rough around the edges, the typical bad boy, telling him that I'm pregnant would probably scare him shitless. I can't do it.


I have to do it. It would only be fair.


No, I can't do it. It's too soon in our relationship for us to be having children.


No, I have to tell him. I'll just blurt it out, that's the easiest way to do it.

So I waited for Edward to get back from his classes. He insisted on taking evening courses because he doesn't like waking up early so I'm at school during the day and he's at school at night.

I ate my weight in chocolate ice cream because it's all I've been craving lately, as I watched The Vow, crying throughout the whole film even though I've watched it at least a million times. Stupid hormones.

I just got finished wiping my eyes when I heard the key in the door unlock and in came Edward.

"Honey, I'm home." He teased. "And I bought chicken wings." He showed me the bag of food in his hands.

"Oh, that's so sweet." I smiled, placing my hand on my stomach before quickly removing it.

He placed the bag on the dining room table and made his way over to me. "I missed you." He leaned down to place a kiss on my lips.

I hummed, bringing him back in for another kiss after he pulled away. "I love you." He chuckled, pulling away and removing a strand of hair out of my face. He looked into my eyes for a moment before asking, "Are you on your period?"

"What?" I gaped at him. "No! No, no I am not. I- why do you ask?" I realized I was being a little too suspicious so I decided to tone it down a notch.

"You're being more affectionate than usual, you clearly devoured a tub of chocolate ice cream before I got here, and the credits to The Vow are playing. Need I say more?" He smirked.

"No. I just, you know.... I'm hormonal." I tried to ease him into the topic.He looked at me, skeptically before frowning. "So your period is about to start then?"

"No, Edward, there is no period." I said. "I'm not gonna get my period any time soon."

"Then maybe you're just stressing. I don't know, love. But if you need to talk, I'm here." He stood back up and went over to the table to get out the chicken wings.

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