Wild Thoughts

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Marcel's Pov

I couldn't take my eyes off of Y/n on a regular day let alone when I'm close to going into my rut. Her skin always looks so smooth, her laugh sounds so delightful that I can only imagine what her moans would sound like right now.

Possibly like 1,000 angels singing. At least, that's what I hear whenever she's moaning.

She's so... beautiful, it drives me insane. I love every aspect of her being, I'm so lucky to have found my mate at such a young age.

"You're drooling." Edward suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts. "It's really unattractive." He teased.

I huffed, sitting up straighter in my chair. "I am not." I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I was drooling.

"You're so head over heels for her, it's disgusting." He chuckled.

"Once you find your mate, you'll feel the same." I mumbled. "And leave me alone."

My eyes were glued back to her. Her legs that were practically glowing in the sun, her hair had fallen over her shoulder, looking just as shinny. She claims it's naturally oily but I know she uses my shampoo whenever she's over. Not that I mind. It suits her better than me.

God, the things I want to do to her right now. If I had it my way, I would drag her upstairs and keep her in there for at least 5 hours.

I can almost picture it.Her legs spread wide, her fingers circling her clit, whimpering my name each time because she needs me to take care of her. She wishes I were there instead, I would use my fingers, my tongue, and of course the one thing she craved most, my prick.

I felt my blood begin to boil, the images of her spiraled out on my bed just kept flowing in, me pinning her down, her riding me, us pleasing each other, taking her from behind, my lips pressed to her clit, us in a sixty nine position, her down on her knees, mouth wide open, me tugging her hair, pressing her further against me...

And just like that, the images were gone.

I blinked back into reality, turning to look at Edward who had a smirk on his lips. He was just mind controlling me. He does it all the time, it makes me want to claw his throat out.

He has the ability to do that because he feeds on livestock every now and then while I refuse to kill anything and eat it. It's hard to control on nights like the full moon and whenever I'm in my werewolf form but I manage to keep it under control.

If we were ordinary werewolves, our werewolf curse wouldn't be triggered unless you killed someone but our father is the alpha and his gene passed onto me and my brothers so we have full control over changing our forms.I glared at him, clenching my hands around the side of the chair. "Edward, you're an arsehole." I groaned.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He shrugged.

I closed my eyes, calming my breathing so I wouldn't completely wolf out on him. That's exactly what he wants.

"Y/n, let's have our one on one rematch of volleyball." Edward suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Now?" She frowned. "I'm sunbathing."

"Now or never sweetheart." He shrugged, tossing the volleyball in the pool before he slipped his shirt off. "Unless you want me to win by default."

"Okay, fine." She huffed, standing up, pulling her shirt over her head. "Marcel, can you hold this." She walked over to me and handed me her book that she was reading.

My eyes landed on her breast that were barely supported by her bathing suit. "Love," I snapped my eyes up to look into hers. "Do you want to wear my shirt? You know how Edward has wondering eyes, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable." I said.

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