Gomez and Morticia returns

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"I knew you'd call me eventually, sweet cheeks." I could practically hear Edward's smirk in his voice. "It's been two days."

I rolled my eyes as I pressed my phone against my cheek. "How soon can you get here?"

"That depends... Are you naked?"

"I will be." I tried my best to sound seductive.

"Then I'll be there in five minutes and not a second longer." He chuckled. "Text me your address."

I hung up and texted him then continued to shave my legs before moisturizing my skin. I grabbed my silk robe from the hook and put my hair up then decided to pluck a few eyebrow hairs before he gets here. Not that he'll be looking at my face when his head is between my legs but appearances still count.

The door bell echoed through the house and I went down to let him inside. My mom is gone for the weekend with her boyfriend so we have plenty of privacy.

"Playing the roll of a housewife, are we?" He smirked at me in my robe and I tightened the strings around me. "You got your eyebrows done?" He asked as he stepped pass me and my heart fluttered. He noticed my eyebrows. "You're cute as always."

"Follow me." I held my hand out for him and he gladly took it.

"Straight to the point, eh?" He chuckled as I led the both of us to my bedroom and closed the door behind us. "Not even going to butter me up first, ask how my day was going, offer me a drink?" He teased.

"For that to happen, you'd have to be the one receiving something but if I recall correctly... You said you owe me, not the other way around." I sassed him as I slowly untied my robe and his eyes dropped to my fingers and watched me untangle the strings.

"There's no reason we can't properly work something out. You'll still get off sweetheart, if that's what you're worried about." He said.

"I think I prefer you when you're not talking." I dropped my robe to the floor and revealed myself in my peach bra with matching lace underwear. I knew he was going to flip when he seen it and from the looks of his eyes popping out of his head, I'd say, mission accomplished.

"If this is the sight I get to see, my lips are sealed forever." He smirked at me. "Look at you... You make Morticia Addams look like Cinderella's ugly step sisters."

He has a Morticia Addams kink and I have to say, it's kind of sexy. He knows how much I'm into all things creepy and goth.

"You're still not having sex with me." I smiled as I pushed him back a little and sat on his lap.He looked down at my lap on his and placed his hands on my hips. "You're a tease..." He chuckled. "You know how to stroke a guy's ego, don't you?"

"That's the only thing of yours that will be getting stroked tonight." I whispered in his ear and he locked his arms around me, pulling me into his chest and attacking my face with kisses.

"Fuck you, Y/n." He jokingly said.

"I know you want to." I smirked, propping myself up on my elbows as I hovered above him. "It's not going to happen though."

"One day." He whispered, flipping us over so that he was on top of me now. "But you're right, I owe you a few more orgasms before that can happen."

"Before it's up for discussion." I corrected him and he chuckled.

"Tell me the same thing when I'm done with you tonight." He said before gently kissing my lips and then headed down.

He kissed between my cleavage then the part of my breast that was exposed. He had me squirming less than two minutes in and he was only kissing down my torso.

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