Honeymoon Avenue

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"I can't believe we're married." I let out a squeal of happiness as Alex drove us out of the venue parking lot after our reception was over. "I'm officially yours now."

"You've always been mine, baby." He smiled, turning to look at me, admiring me in my wedding dress for a few seconds before looking back at the road.

"But now it's documented. I'm yours forever." I teased. "There's no getting rid of me." I laced my fingers with his and kissed each of his knuckles.

"I don't think I would get rid of you even if I wanted to. You mean too much to me." He smiled.

He continued to drive down the road, back to the hotel we'll be staying at for the night. We leave for our honeymoon tomorrow and I can't wait till we get to Verona Italy. Alex wanted to take me somewhere special, he said he got to explore a bit of the city when he was being imported from France to Germany and he loved it. He dreamt of taking me there as soon as we reunited.

So my father paid for our entire wedding and Alex saved up all of the money he earned from serving his time and working extra shifts down at the coal mine that worries me to death because coal mining is dangerous but he always assures me that he handled war, coal mining is nothing compared to that.

So all thanks to him, we're getting the honeymoon of a lifetime.

"Do you want to go see our future home?" He smirked.

I bit my lip, nodding my head as he turned on the street where our dream house was.We first saw it in the papers, then came to look at it and we fell in love. It had the perfect front garden, a porch that wrapped around the entire house, a porch swing, the inside had a very classic Victorian kitchen, four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a big garden shed in the back, a green house and a living room with glass doors leading to the backyard. It was perfect.

The only thing wrong with the house was the price. It was going to take us at least two years to save up for it and Alex refuses to let me get a job. He says he'll provide for the both of us and I don't want to ruin his ego. The only income for myself that comes in is from the boutique that I've been working at since I was 17. It's not nearly enough to live off of but it helps me get some personal items for myself.

He parked in front of the house and turned to look at me.

"Alex, it's beautiful." I sighed.

"I know." He smiled, taking his keys out the ignition before he held up one specific key on his key ring. "Do you want to go inside?" He smirked as I gasped, covering my mouth.

"Alex, tell me you aren't joking." I gripped his arm, looking into his eyes to see if he was lying. If he were joking, it would be very cruel.

"Would I joke about this?" He got out of the car and came over to open my door. "This deserves to be put up, don't you think?" He held up a sold sign and reached for my hand, helping me out of the car.

I immediately jumped into his arms, attacking his face with kisses. He chuckled, wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer to him. "I knew you'd be more surprised if I told you after the wedding. Your mum wanted me to tell you the moment I bought it." He gently kissed my cheek.

"When did you- Alex, how did you pay for this?"

"A little hard work and motivation but it's worth it, seeing you this happy." He smiled. "I guess those 15 hour work shifts paid off after all."

"That's why you were working overtime everyday?" I asked.

"I wanted to make my missus happy." He whispered. "Should we go take a look or-"

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