Vamp Harry 2

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After drinking from my last victim, I dropped their dead body to the floor and licked my lips clean. I love going on killing streaks. They're so fun especially since I turned my humanity off. I feel nothing and I never felt more great.

With my intense vampire hearing, I heard someone panting in the corner of the room. I walked over to the noise and seen a girl with her head buried in her hands.

I gently kicked her leg and she looked up at me, crying. "Boo." I sarcastically said which only made more tears stream down her face. "You're crying a little too much for me which means your blood is going to taste too salty so I'm not gonna kill you, don't worry. I'll let you off with a warning." I smiled. "Just don't tell anyone." I compelled her and she got up to run.

I mischievously smiled as I heard the poor girl's screams outside of the house. Five, four, three, two, one... I took off after her with my vampire speed and snapped her neck in half.

She's dead.

"What happened to leaving at least one victim so we're not complete murders?" Harry asked from behind me as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Her screams were annoying me." I rolled my eyes. "But that was fun."

"You're a natural now." He kissed my temple. "What have I done to my sweet, innocent girlfriend?"

"You turned her into a vampire." I turned around to face him and wrap my arms around his neck. "And she couldn't be happier."

He hummed, licking his lips as he looked at mine. "Maybe we should take a break from killing, yeah? Or at least go on an all animal diet. We can't keen getting rid of dead bodies, we should take a break from killing, yeah? Or at least go on an all animal diet. We can't keep getting rid of dead bodies, love."

"Then we'll eat them whole." I teased.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He sarcastically said. "But I'm serious, baby. You need to slow down. When I first died, I went binge eating on humans too and it turned me into a ripper. I've managed self control since then but it took years. I don't want you to end up like I did." He gently caressed my cheek and I grabbed his hand to kiss his palm.

"I can stop anytime I want to." I admitted. "But tonight is Saturday which means there's a lot of parties going on so the city is filled with drunk humans... Come with me?"

"You're not going." He calmly said.

"And who's going to stop me?" I smirked.

"I'll snap your neck if I have to." He gently creased my cheek. "Don't make me do it. trust that you won't but-"

"I won't." I said.

Police sirens could be heard in the distance and Harry sighed, gently kissing my forehead. "We'll split up. You get a head start and I'll make sure there's no evidence left." He said.

"I love you."

"I love you yoo."

On the way back, I couldn't help but make a pit stop to a party. It reeked of alcohol and sweaty teens but I couldn't help myself. I compelled a cute boy, around 17, really muscular so I figured he wasn't going to miss a pint or two of his blood but then got carried away.

I drank from four more people, compelling each of them to stay quiet for awhile and to anyone else, it simply looked like I was giving the person a hickey but really, I was draining their blood.

That was all fun and games for a bit until I ran into someone with vervain in their system. That didn't go over very well. I was so close to just snapping their neck when

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