Edward Dilf

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"Do you promise you're gong to be there later?" Theodore asked Edward as he hurriedly packed his briefcase.

"Yes buddy, I promised 10,000 times yesterday, remember?" He leaned down to kiss his son's cheek and he followed him downstairs where I was packing Edward's lunch for the day.

"But you were late last time." Theodore mumbled.

"I pinky promise I won't be late today." He said and came around the counter to kiss me. "I will be there front row, cheering you on 20 minutes early." He lifted him up and hugged him before planting one last kiss on his cheek. "I only have a few hours of work today then I'll see you there."


"Be good for Y/n. I love you both." He left after that and

Theodore turned to go back upstairs to his room.

"Wait, Teddy, do you want cookies? I baked them this morning just for you." I said.

"I can't have cookies before a performance." He mumbled.

"I won't tell if you don't."

"No thank you." He sighed and went upstairs.

I'm still working on winning him over. It's not that he doesn't like me, he's just a very opinionated 6 year old who isn't too young to understand that his dad is dating but also isn't too old to actually hate me.

So I cleaned up the kitchen and packed the cookies away for later then went upstairs to get ready for his theater performance that's taking place in four hours. Theodore got ready and continued to practice for his play until it was time to leave.

I carried his bag out to the car and made sure he was buckled in before driving off to his school where the play was taking place.

"Why isn't daddy here yet?" He sadly asked as he examined the room.

"He will be, he promised, remembered?" I patted his shoulder and signed him in to show that he's present before walking him to the back so he could be with the rest of his crew members.

"Can you call him, please?" Theodore gripped my wrist and gave me puppy dog eyes that look so much like his dad's. I can't say no to him.

"Yes, I'll make sure he's here on time." I said. "Don't worry about it, as soon as you get on stage, he will be here."

I took my reserved seat in the front and took out my phone to call Edward but got no answer. I tried again but heard him a few feet away, talking to one of the teachers.

"What do you mean flowers aren't allowed? My son had the leading role in the play and I want to congratulate him." He said.

"I'm sorry sir, these are just too big, it will cause a distraction." One of the teachers explained and I looked at the clock. Theodore's play is starting in a few minutes and if Edward has to take the flowers back to the car, Theodore will see that he's 'late'.

I got up from my seat and took the flowers from him. "I can take them back to the car for you." I offered.

"Thank you, love." He kissed my cheek and hurried to his seat as the presenter got on stage and announced the performance was about to start.

I left the bouquet of flowers in the front seat of my car and went back inside to watch the performance. Edward was recording the whole thing, smiling so big as he watched

Theodore day his lines loud and clear. He's been practicing for weeks, I'm pretty sure I can recite his lines word for word but it paid off and he's so happy.

When the play was over, all of the actors took a bow and everyone cheered, and applauded them. All of the little girls and boys were so happy, swarming together and smiling wide.

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