I Don't Give A What Love

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"Edward, we're gonna be late." I huffed, tossing on my shirt from last night. He just had to convince me to stay at his house yesterday since his mom wasn't home. So if you couldn't tell, we had a long night. Therefore we didn't sleep much and now we're late for school.

"We only missed 1st period, nobody likes language arts anyway." He rolled his eyes, cuddling me into his side. "Let's just ditch the rest of the day and have our fun in here. My mum is gone til tomorrow."

"If we ditch, they'll call home and my parents will kill me." I said, they already don't like Edward because they think he's a bad influence, I had to tell them I was staying at Jasmine's house last night.

"Your dad hates my guts already, I'm pretty sure you staying here with me won't matter. He'll still hate me." He mumbled, kissing my cheek. Edward is a total sweetheart, well to me he is. But his whole "punk" reputation makes him seem like a heartless player to everyone. He's like a giant teddy bear- looks frightening but has a big heart.

"I think he's warming up to you..." I shrugged. "But not if he finds out I ditched with you. Get dressed." I smiled, walking over to my bag that was by his bathroom door. I was more than aware that I was practically naked with only my shirt on that didn't cover much of my ass so when I bent down to get out some fresh clothes, he groaned.

"Are you trying to provoke me?"

I hummed to myself, getting my outfit out of the bag. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"So deciding to get out of bed without underwear was an accident?"

"Well, I didn't wear them to sleep last night either but you weren't complaining." I smirked. I can't believe I forgot to pack extra underwear and wearing the ones from yesterday would be unsanitary since- well, they're probably still damp.

"That's different." He pouted. I turned to him and god, did he look sexy. His hair was all over the place, face looked adorable even though he had sheet marks on his cheeks, and the blanket was awfully low on his waist.

"Where do you keep my extra clothes?" I asked, although I already started rummaging through his drawers. Like any other girlfriend, I keep an outfit or two over here and usually they're in his bottom drawer but no, not this time.

"I moved them to my closet but your underwear isn't in there." He said and I glared at him. I hope he didn't.. "It was an emergency and you wouldn't answer my calls or text and I was horny. Your underwear is sexy." Oh God, he did.

"You used my underwear to jack off and you stained them?"

"I tried washing them but I remembered you told me they're delicate and I didn't know if I should wash it on cold or warm so I searched it up. By that time my mum was doing the laundry and she questioned me on why I had your underwear in the laundry room."

"You're a pig." I scoffed, grabbing a pair of his boxers and headed towards the bathroom to change for school.

We arrived at school by the time 1st period was over but carried on with the day as if nothing happened. Although the classes went by painfully slow, before I knew it, it was lunch time and I was standing at my locker; catching up with Jasmine.

"It seems like you guys have sex every day. And he's disgusting. At least find a guy with class." She rolled eyes and made a fake gagging noise. My friends never understand what I see in him and automatically assume that all me do is hook up.

"Oh hush, that's not all we do and he's a nice guy. Him being a pro at sex is just a plus. I swear he does techniques I've never seen or felt bef-"

"I don't wanna know about what you two do in the bedroom!" She quickly cut me off which resulted in me giggling. "Speak of the devil." She groaned, motioning to behind me.I didn't even fully turn around before Edward captured his lips with mine. And that turned into a full on make out session against the locker.

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