Best Friends... Lovers

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Harry's Pov

Beautiful. That's the definition of my best friend who I've had a thing for since seventh grade when she pinched a kid's arm so hard when he teased me about wearing a pink sweatshirt to school.It wasn't a guy's thing to wear pink apparently and naturally, that guy pointed it out causing everyone to laugh and point at me. Middle school, hated it.

That is until, Y/n stumbled in my life in 7th grade when she let me borrow her pencil and offered to share her half of peanut butter and jelly sandwich with me when my mom forgot to pack my lunch one day. We became close and bonded over our love of potato chips.

Anyways, she threatened the guy who laughed at me and surely enough, pinched his arm so hard that it bruised for two days. That's when I knew she was a keeper.

"So, I was thinking that we should watch The Proposal tonight." Y/n said, digging through her backpack for something. I have no idea what for but her confused face looks adorable.

"Not again." I dramatically sighed.

"Hey! We watched Scooby Doo four weekends in a row because you chose it." She sassed.

"But you like Scooby Doo." I stated, smiling at the memory of her laying her head on my chest and laughing at the screen last week.

"True but we can switch things up a bit. It's my turn to pick our movie and I chose The Proposal. So get ready for a rom com night." She smiled.

"Fine." I gave in, it's hard to resist that look. "I'll buy the gummy bears, you buy the ice cream?"

"Deal." She shrugged. "Is your mom gonna be home tonight?"

"No. She works a night shift so it'll just be you and me." I offered to take her backpack as she was already struggling with holding her books. "At least she won't be there to tease us." My mum always hovers over me and Y/n whenever she's over, claiming we'd make the cutest couple. It's so embarrassing.

"I don't mind it. You look like an adorable blowfish when you blush." She smiled, squeezing my cheeks together.

I whined and blew out air. "I never blush." I lied. Truth be told, there never is a time when I'm not flustered around her.

"You're a terrible liar." She shook her head and started walking towards her classroom with me following her like a lost puppy.

After school, I stopped by the store to pick up gummy bears and chocolate chip cookies before heading home.

It's tradition that we have movie night every Friday and tonight it's at my house.

"You look chipper today, love. How was school?" My mum asked, smiling from the sink as I placed the snacks on the counter.

"Good. I'm just excited about our movie night." I shrugged, nonchalant. Odds are she'll say something about Y/n in 3.. 2... 1.."Y/n's coming over today? Is it Friday already?" She smirked. "Are you gonna tell her about your feelings tonight?"

"Mum." I mumbled. "We're just friends. She doesn't think of me that way."

"Oh, I don't know..." She smiled. "I see the way she looks at you."

"She doesn't look at me a certain way." I recall. She looks at everyone with love in her eyes. Oh her eyes. I could look into them all day, they're beautiful. The way they light up when she talks about things she loves, how the little iris is a different color than her actual eye color, and the way her pupils dilate when she's eating ice cream...I look up to my mum who was giving me a look as if saying, "You have it bad." But I brush her off and grab my things to go up stairs.

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