What Makes You Beautiful

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Harry's Pov

I watched my girlfriend poke and squeeze the extra meat on her stomach as she stood in the bathroom mirror and examined herself. She left the door cracked after I came out of the bathroom and into our bedroom to give her time alone while she washed her face. We just showered together.

My face mirrored hers but for a completely different reason. She's frowning at her reflection because she's unhappy with how she looks and I'm frowning at her lack of confidence. She's by far the most beautiful girl I've ever laid eyes on and even though that sounds corny as hell, it's true.

I love everything about her. Her smile, her laugh, her eyes, her curves, and everything else. I always make sure to show love to every single inch of her- all of the parts she hates about herself makes me want to love on a little extra so it doesn't feel left out.

I love her because of her insecurities, not in spite of them. I just wish she saw what I see when I look at her.

After a few more minutes of her feeling down, she pulled my sweatshirt over her head before joining me on the bed to cuddle.

"Hi, baby. What are you reading?" She pulled the blanket over her legs as she got in bed.

"Oh, um..." I looked down at the book in my lap that completely forgot about. "Poetry but I was just waiting for you." I closed the book and set it on my beside table. "What took you so long?"

"I did my whole night routine today, I didn't rush it." She lied right through her teeth and I pursed my lips out, wanting to tell her that I knew why she actually took so long but refrained.

"I wanted some time with my pretty girl before I fall asleep." I said and she softly smiled at me. "I haven't kissed you properly all day." I pouted.

"You just kissed me in the shower, you couldn't keep your hands to yourself, Styles." She said.

I pretended to be offended, "What did you expect me to do? You were wet and naked." She hit my chest at that comment. "That's not the kind of wet I was talking about but I can make that happen very soon, give me five minutes." I smirked and leaned in to kiss her.

My lips collided with hers and I couldn't help but melt against her. Her lips are so soft and gentle, I could only imagine what'd they feel like wrap around my-

"I have an early shift tomorrow." She panted slightly, pulling away from me. "I should really get some sleep."

"This won't take long. I mumbled. "I can have you cumming in 15 minutes." I whispered.

"But... I haven't shaved in awhile." She blushed.

"I just saw you naked in the shower, I don't care." I kissed her lips a few more times and she leaned into me, slowly but surely giving in.

I wanted to kiss her forever. Her lips are always so soft and sweet, they taste a little bit like her strawberry lip scrub she just used. My hands reached out to pull the sweatshirt over her head and she pulled away from my lips to take it off.

She's fully naked with the exception of her underwear now and it made my mouth water just by looking at her.

If only she saw what I could see, she'd understand why I want her so desperately.

I cupped her breast in my hands and she moaned into our kiss. I pulled her closer to me, wanting her to sit on my lap but she didn't budge.

"Baby," I said between kisses. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." She played with the hem of my shirt before pulling it over my head.

"If you're not in the mood then we don't have to."

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