Make Up Sex Is The Best Sex

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This wasn't how my original book started but as you know, I hated my first eight chapters so I'm leaving them out. Not every chapter has been revised from the old book but this is the best of it and I, will be making new chapters soon!


Edward's a jerk.

I hate him.

We've been together for about 7 months now- well, if you can call it that! We've got together and broken up about 5 times in the past 7 months because we never agree on anything, we constantly argue, but we drive each other crazy so somehow we mange to keep each other sane.

None of our friends every take us serious because of the amount of times we break up but get back together the next day although this time I'm sure that I'm not gonna fall for him again. I caught him shoving his tongue down his ex-girlfriend, Amanda's throat at his friend's stupid Halloween party.

He claimed to have been "drunk" and has blown up my phone with apology texts, voicemails, and even called me about 40 times but I ignored them all.

Naturally I'm still trying to get over him because it's only been two weeks since I last spoke to him but it's harder than it looks. So that's how I wound up here, at my best friend's get together that was supposed to be only 20 people but the word got out and now half of the school is here.

"You need to loosen up a bit. Take another shot, dance with a hot guy, try to get laid, do anything but mope around!" Amy shouted over the loud music to me as I continued to sip my water and lean against the counter.

"I'm good right here. I already told you, I'm not in the mood to party." I said, loud enough for her to hear me.

"You're just being a party popper! And if it's any constellation, Jacob said that Edward was gonna be here." She said, pouring more vodka in her plastic cup.

"But before you get mad at me, I honestly didn't plan this, he just heard about my party and seemed interested in coming." She shrugged.

"Amy! Why didn't you tell me ahead of time?!"

"Because I knew you wouldn't have wanted to come and rather you admit it or not, I know you miss Edward. Despite how sick and twisted he is, you still love him which is stupid to me but I know that he doesn't actually mean to hurt you. His heart is always in the right place." She said.

Which is partly true but how could she pick his side over mine?

"He cheated on me." I stated. All of the other tines we "broke up" was when we had a small argument that lead to us screaming and yelling at each other and just needed a small break away for a while. But this time is different, he made out with his ex-girlfriend.

"He really loves you, I'm sure it's eating him alive that you two broke up. Haven't you noticed that he hasn't been at school? He spends all of his time in his room- crying because he knows he messed up but doesn't know how to make you forgive him. Just try talking to him." As she said that, I caught sight of him across the living room.

His friend, Jacob was talking to him but he didn't seem interested in anything he was saying. Edward was looking around the house for something or someone. Me.

"I think I'll take your advice." I mumbled, placing my water bottle on the counter and walked into the living room towards Edward, he hasn't noticed me yet though.

I was about 5 feet away from him when I was suddenly pulled back by someone who was obviously drunk but I couldn't detach myself from him.

"Y/n, it's been awhile since I've seen you. How have you been babe?" The guy chuckled, turning me around to face him. He looked familiar to me but I've never actually talked to this guy before. "Uh, fine? Can you let go plea-"

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