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Okay this was requested but I changed the ages. Instead of writing 10 and 12 years olds discovering sex, I used 14 1/2 and 15. It's slightly more realistic.


Harry Styles was my best friend. He was also the guy I've been secretly crushing on since 3rd grade when he shared his animal crackers with me. He had the kind with frosting and sprinkles. It was a special moment.

So when he came to me with this problem, had to help him. Well didn't have to but I wanted to. He looked so stressed out and upset about her... "I can't go through with it." He sighed. "I mean, I like her a lot but I just can't see it happening." He held his head in his hands and mumbled something against his palms.

"Harry, why are you freaking out? I thought this is what you wanted." I said.

"It is.. I want to sleep with her but what if it's not what I expected it to be? What if I cum too fast or I hurt her or she laughs at me?... What if I can't get it up?" He stressed.

"Well going into it with that attitude, something bad is going to happen." I shrugged.

He tossed my pillow at me and groaned again. "You're not helping."

"Sorry, sorry, sorry." I sat up, crisscross as faced him and picked at my blanket. "You said you like her and the way I see it is, you have sex with someone you really care about... Do you really care about her?"

"Yes... She's my first girlfriend and you know how long I've had a crush on her." He said. "And we've been dating for three months. All of my friends are saying that I should just do it already." He sighed.

"Don't let them peer pressure you. If you don't want to have sex, you don't have to." I assured him. "It should be with the right person and when you're ready."

"I... think I'm ready." He said. "This is what I want and I know she cares about me just as much."

"Then be with her. Make love in the back of your mother's mini van and tell me all about it when it's done." I said. "Remember to use protection though."

"I will." He smiled. "Thank you for talking me through this."

He left without saying much else and I sighed, placing my pillow over my head in defeat. I can't believe I just talked Harry into having sex. I want him. I want him to be my first and I be his first. I always loose him to Hannah.

Hannah wanted to go to homecoming with Harry.

Hannah wanted to ditch the football game that we were all three supposed to go to so she could snog Harry in her garage.

Hannah sat between Harry and I at the movies and made out with him the whole time. Hannah scheduled a study group with Harry and I but told me the wrong location so that I would be late and her and Harry could make out once again.

I never say anything about it because I know how much Harry likes her and I don't want to be the whinny best friend that feels left out and complains about everything.

Hey, can I come over?

At 11:45 pm I got a text from Harry. He must be so excited to tell me about everything, I don't want to rain on his parade but I don't think I can handle hearing him talk about how amazing she was.

Please? I need to talk to you.

You can tell me about it tomorrow. It's late and my parents are asleep.

I don't want to be alone right now. I'll sneak in.


I got up and went to lock my bedroom door before unlocking my window. Harry only comes over late if he had a bad day and even then, I know it's really bad. He doesn't like feeling like a burden so he tries not to bother me especially late at night but I always assure him that he's never a burden and that I'm always here for him.

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