While He Plays Pretend

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Harry and Y/n fake date inspired by one of my fake texts I did on instagram @ Haroldmysavior from April 10 to April 13th.


I need a favor.

Four words that sound so simple but they always lead to something much more. Yet I still asked, "What kind of favor?" And that's when my best friend proceeded to explain that he needs me to pretend to be his girlfriend for a vacation trip because Tiffany- a girl that flirts with him all the time even though he's uninterested, is going to be there. I denied, naturally. It would be way too messy for the two of us to date even if it is just for pretend. But he brought up that I owe him and I was cornered.

So I agreed to meet with him to discuss our details a day before the trip.

"Cute," Harry held up my bikini top to his chest and smirked at me. "Really skimpy but I don't mind." He winked at me and I took it from his hands.

"You won't be seeing me in this."

"Party pooper." He pouted. "I think you have amnesia, my love because I've seen you in less before."

That night of my breakup, I drove to Harry's house and cried in his arms for most of the night and he held me, whispering assuring words in my ear until I calmed down.

I was so torn. was happy that I was finally out of a toxic relationship but missed him and the good moments that we had with each other. I wanted to forget all about him and Harry was there.

Maybe it was me using Harry as a rebound or maybe was completely overwhelmed that I was finally single and

Harry; my childhood best friend, the guy who's always there for me, so attractive, so sweet, and so gentle... Well, gentle until I was begging him to go harder. Harry... He's always been so good to me, I don't deserve him.

We've somehow formed this unspoken bond where we hook up with each other whenever one of us get out of a relationship with someone else. It's not a continuous thing, we aren't friends with benefits that hook up a ton of times but every few months, we show up to the other's place and a few tears are shed, a few sips of alcohol is consumed, and then our tongues are dancing together and our clothes are soon scattered across the floor.

"Well we need to set boundaries because that's not going to be happening on this trip." I said.

"Hmm, I'm taking my girlfriend on vacation and we don't have sex...? Yeah, that's believable." He sarcastically said.

"We could be one of those couples that just never have sex." I shrugged. "And how would anyone know? It's not like we're going to be in plain sight. Just say we had sex if you want to brag about it."

"I wouldn't do that." He shook his head. "And they would know if it's true or not because whenever we go on trips, Mitch and Sarah are like rabbits and it's so obvious, no bragging needed." He said.

"Harry, I'm not having s-"

"Before you finish that. Think about this, we can fake it." He said.

"Fake it?" I continued folding up my outfits to put in my suitcase and Harry laid down on my bed, handing me my clothes.

"Yeah. We can jump up and down on the bed and knock the headboard against the wall and mess up our hair and moan a little." He said.

"You're really committed to this, aren't you?" I chuckled.

"Yes! Tiffany drives me crazy and I can't handle her flirting anymore." He huffed.

"Okay, but if you fall off of the bed, it's all on you." I teased.

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