Bodyguard Harry

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Y/n Y/l/n having spotted going to a club with her body guard...

Y/n Y/l/n and her heartthrob body guard spotted laying out on the beach...

Y/n Y/l/n's body guard, now known as Harry Styles spotted kissing the singer after one of her concerts...

Y/n Y//n confirms her and her body guard joined the mile high club...

The articles get funnier and funnier to read.

Harry Styles is my bodyguard, of course he's always somewhere near me. My fans recognize him from always being in the background of my photos shot by paparazzi and they've been gushing over how handsome he is since.

Harry and I are close, yes. We spend a lot of time together but I wouldn't go as far as saying we're fucking-

My leg raised over my head and pressed against my dressing room door and I'm surprised how flexible I am. I guess all those dance rehearsals for tour has made me more limber.

With the my makeup running down my face from the tears I'm crying out of pleasure and pain- mainly pleasure, I can hear my fans from the stadium, even over the music playing as they wait, chanting my name for me to come on stage. I have four minutes.

Four minutes to cum all over Harry's cock before I have to start my concert and can't get there soon enough.

"Almost there love, I can feel you squeezing me." Harry grunted in my ear before biting down on my shoulder to muffle the rest of the sounds coming out of his mouth.

I was panting, quietly moaning out his name as I neared my orgasm until I let out a high pitch moan and came, wanting nothing more than to feel him cum inside of me but we aren't using any protection and the last thing I need is to get pregnant right now.

So he pulled out of me and worked his hand over himself, never dropping eye contact for a second as he twisted and pumped his hand up and down his shaft until he came all over his stomach, moaning my name.

I had two minutes to quickly fix my makeup and run down the hall that lead to the main stage. Only I couldn't run, I could barely walk with how sensitive and sore I was from the sexual act I just performed.

"You have 30 seconds." My manager shouted as he banged on my door and all I could do was give Harry a quick kiss before hobbling out of the door to start the show and Harry's laugh was the last thing I heard before the lights went out in the stadium and all of my fans were screaming.

-which is all the articles imply.

It's very unprofessional. I would never hook up with a person who works for me.

In my LA home, Harry held my hips in place as he slowly sunk into my warm dripping heat. My eyes squeezed shut, half of my face pressed into the bed, my ass in the air with Harry kneeling on his knees behind me.

Panting and groans were the only things bouncing off of the wall of my bedroom. My necklace that he gifted me for my birthday was hitting my face at the moment but I didn't care. It's hard to care when all could think about all day was him getting inside of me and he was finally delivering.

And the rumor that Harry was the guy I joined the mile high club with started because, I may have confessed while I was on a late night show playing never have I ever that I did indeed join the mile high club but never said who with.

My fans, of course, the loving, sweet, detectives they are dug up a picture that I posted months before of Harry and I on my private jet and low and behold: Y/n Y/L/n confirms her and her body guard joined the mile high club!

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