Secret Smut 2

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It's dark in here, a little crammed, and extremely hot with Edward's body pressed up against mine in this janitor's closet.It's now Wednesday, three days after our awkward exchange of goodbyes at his house. I spent Monday avoiding him. Tuesday giving into his text spamming and calls. And now it's Wednesday, 3rd period- where we should be but are currently about to hook up in a small closet.

I hate how convincing his pout can be when he's needy and vulnerable.

I should be in study hall right now but he sent me sad face pictures and a picture of him cupping his boner through his pants in second period saying how much he needed me. Then during passing period, he pressed me against the locker- without having to worry about Zoey seeing us because she's out sick today- and pressed butterfly kisses all over my neck, whining in my ear about how horny he was.

After his very convincing affection without anyone saying anything to us as they passed by because you know Edward. "Fuck off, you bloody wanker." He told me to hide out in the bathroom until two minutes after the bell rung before meeting him in the janitor's closet.Now here he is, in the flesh, leaving greedy kisses down my neck. I had my arms linked around his neck as he was holding my hips in place with my legs wrapped around his waist. We're currently against the wall, next to some supplies rack.

"I wish it wasn't so dark in here." He mumbled against my neck. I already felt the small bruise growing on my neck where he left his mark. "I want to see you."

"Well, having sex on school grounds isn't exactly the best, you sorta get what you can get." I chuckled, running my fingers though his lush curls.

"I'll take you anytime." He whispered, cupping my cheeks and kissing me by surprise.

I felt his tongue poke its way in my mouth and I couldn't resist wrestling with his.

"Y/n." He groaned softly, pulling me closer and closer to him while our tongues continued to dance, hearts beating as one.I nibbled on his bottom lip, teeth grazing over his skin, sending his eyes rolling back. A moan rolled over my own lips, as I pressed them back against his. Our hands intertwined next to our sides as soon as I found his to hold.

Passionate janitors closet sex should be our thing.With quick movements, he was unzipping his pants and tugging them down, putting me to my feet so I could do the same. "So, we have to agree that this is our last time ever doing this." I said, sliding my shirt over my head.He lifted me back up and smirked, "Y/n, baby. I think we both know you're mine." Hips rocking powerfully into me.I gasped, squirming slightly but he smiled and shook his head slightly, making his curly brown hair flop with movement.

"Nice length for me to tug on." I smirked, bringing his lips to connect with mine.His rocking increased pace until he was pounding into me, making me pant with pleasure and need. "You feel so good, love." He groaned, gripping my hips that I'm sure they'll be bruises tomorrow.

I move my hands down to claw at his back as I was at his mercy. "Edward..." I moaned in his ear which only encouraged him to thrust faster.

"You're too loud." He groaned, leaning forward to suck on my neck. Our skin was already slapping together pretty loud that I'm sure whoever was walking by the door, they'd be able to hear.

"Fuck, Edward!" I yelled, struggling to grasp onto his shoulders. "Yes. Right there!"

"You'll get us caught, love." He whispered, trailing his lips up to capture mine in a very heated make out. "Do you like the thrill of someone might being able to walk in on us? You like being heard?" He seductively whispered, taking his right hand to squeeze my bum.

"Don't stop." I gasped, feeling my self get even more aroused by his dirty talk.

"You want everyone to know that you're ditching class to get properly fucked in the janitors closet?... You're so pretty." He smiled at me through the little light that I could see. "Gonna have so many hicekys on your neck, love." He got back to work on my neck, causing me to moan out again because he found my sweet spot.

"Oh God." I gasped, wrapping my legs tightly around his waist as he still pounded into me.

"Fuck. You're so bloody tight." He whimpered, biting down on my hickies fresh skin. "I'm gonna cum." He sped up his thrusting.

I moaned out his name until we heard distant footsteps. "Shit." He mumbled, placing his finger over my lips to shush me.

I quietly gasped and quickly clasped my hand over my mouth to shut myself up while he looked at the door for a few moments, feared for the possibility of someone walking in on us but nothing happened.

Once the footsteps passed, he started up his thrusting again, on the edge of cumming now. "Fuck, baby.... You're gonna make me cum."

"Oh, Edward." I arched into him as much as possible as he groaned and managed to thrust faster. "I'm cumming... I'm cumming!"

My orgasm washed over me as I clawed at his back and tried to contain all of my moans, failing miserably. Seconds later, he was cumming too, stilling his movements but not loosening his grip on my hips."Y/n!" He moans out, dropping his head against my shoulder and panted. "Fuck." I gently ran my fingers through his hair.

After basking in the bliss of that very steamy sensation, he lifted his head up and pressed a kiss against my lips before pulling out of me and shakily placing my legs back on the ground.Without saying anything, I started pulling my pants back up my legs, completely ignoring his eyes burning holes in my head.

"So it's over? After today we're not gonna-"

"We can't. Zoey will hate me if she finds out." I stated.

"Doesn't seem like that's an issue anymore. We fucked for a week straight and if you really cared about her finding out, you would've stopped after the first day. So tell me Y/n, do you really care about her finding out or are you hiding something?" He frowned, gripping my wrist.

"Hiding what?"

"You're feelings... You don't want to continue hooking up because you're afraid you'll grow feelings for me." He stated.

"That's not true." Technically, I already have feelings from him so jokes on him.

"It is." He pulled me closer to him until our chest were touching. "And I don't give a fuck because I like you... A lot. I've liked you ever since I was with Zoey. I thought if I hung out with her, you'd be around because you're best friends so selfishly, I went through her to get to you because you never glanced my way. Did I mean to cheat on her? Yes, it was the only way I'd get her to break up with me without being much more of a dick than I already was." He sighed. "Can you imagine how she would've reacted if she found out that I was only with her because I liked you? It would've hurt her a lot more than cheating on her with her cousin. So yes, I'm a dick. I'm not exactly the smartest person you know, and I'm a bit of a rule breaker but you're into that." He added. "I know you are. You wouldn't be standing here with me after we just went at it on school grounds if you didn't."

"That doesn't mean anything. I can't go after my best friend's ex."

"But I'm the one going after you." He said, lifting my chin up so I could look at him. "Give me a chance."


"I'm not gonna give up on you, it'll save us both time and energy if you just give in now." His face started moving closer to mine.

Before I knew what I was doing, I connected our lips and softly wrapped my arms around his neck while he creased my cheek.

I'm fucked. I think I'm falling in love with my best friend's ex.

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