History is Hot

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"Joan of Arc, nicknamed, The Maid of Orléans and was considered a heroine of France for her role during the..." Mr. Styles began lecturing us but I completely zoned out.

Not my fault. He makes it really hard to concentrate. He's so attractive that it should be illegal. What was the principle thinking when she hired him? There's no way you can get anything done when he's around.

For starters, his lips are enough to make you swoon alone. They're so pink and plumed and kissable, making it nearly impossible to look away from them.

That is until you notice his jawline and how amazing sharp it is. He could literally cut me in half with it and still be the sexiest person in the room.

Another distraction is his hands. He's always talking with them. Yes, he's one of those teachers. So your eyes are usually glued to them and fuck, they're huge. You have no idea how many times I've got off to just the thought of his fingers. They would do wonders.

And if his fingers are that long and perfect, you can only imagine how much he's packing. You can usually see the outline of him through his jeans. That fucking tease-

"Ms. Y/l/n." Mr. Styles' voice snapped me out of my thoughts as I quickly diverted my eyes away from his crotch. He slightly smirked at me but quickly wiped it off his face before anyone else saw. "This information will be on your next test so I'd appreciate it if you payed attention."

"Right. Sorry." I flushed, looking down at my notebook as everyone quietly giggled at what just happened.

Class went so agonizingly slow today but when the bell finally rung, I was rushing to pack my things. Unfortunately I got called to stay after...

"Ms. Y/l/n, may I speak with you please?" Mr. Styles asked right before I could walk out. So I stepped aside and let everyone else go, regretting acting like I didn't hear him so I could've enjoyed my passing period.I opened my mouth to plea but he held up his hand to stop me and motioned for me to come closer.

After everyone was out of the class, he finally turned to me, causing me to instantly get nervous. "Sorry for staring at your crotch!" I blurted out without thinking then quickly placed my palm over my mouth. I can't believe I just said that...

He scratched the back of his neck and lightly blushed. "Oh. Um, that's- that's fine. I was just gonna say try not to daydream as much in my class." He chuckled. "But I accept your apology, not that I mind." He added.

"What?" My eyes widen at his statement. "But you're my teacher."

"Unfortunately, I am." He smirked. "Thus meaning I should feel wrong for fancying one of my students but you obviously seem infatuated with me so I don't feel too guilty."

"No, I just-"

"Hey, relax. I don't really blame you for daydreaming." He comforted me. "I mean, I get it, history isn't the most exciting subject to learn but it's a bit distracting when you stare with goggly eyes at my crotch. Kind of turns me on." He admitted.

I gasped quietly, hoping he didn't hear me.

"And I hate standing in the middle of class trying to give a lecture with a boner." He smirked once again, noticing how on edge this was making me.

"I'm-... I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"It's fine, love. Staring is one thing but you brushing against me is another." He said.

Oh God. That day... My friend Melissa dared me to grope him and claim it was accident if he questioned me about it. Basically, I got up to casually sharpen my pencil, coincidentally the sharpener is in the back of the classroom where Mr. Styles just so happened to be, he was leaning against the bookshelf with a book in his hand as he read among the page and I couldn't just reach over and "accidentally" grope him- that would be too obvious, so I dropped my pencil and coincidentally brushed my bum up against him as I stood back up. No one saw, thank goodness but I swear I heard him quietly moan that day and it was the hottest thing ever.

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