Still Broken Up... Right?

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"You brought me to Harry Styles' birthday party?" I frowned at my friend who was walking up the driveway.

"Yeah, big deal." She shrugged.

I looked at a few people who were on the lawn, some making out, some passed out, some talking to each other and doing stupid things.

"You do realize that it's also both of his brother's birthday as well, one of them who I used to date by the way, ring a bell?" I sassed.

It's true. Harry is part of triplets and I used to date one of them; Edward. He and I broke up two weeks ago so I don't think being here tonight is a good idea.

"I doubt you'll even see him tonight with how many people are here and you need to relax. I'll help you get over him as soon as you help me hook up with Harry." She said.

"Harry is seeing someone, you have a better shot with Marcel." I mumbled.

"Marcel doesn't do parties, he told me he hangs out in his room the whole time." She sighed. "But he's cute, I wouldn't mind getting him to open up if you know what I mean." She winked and opened the front door, facing a crowd of people and loud music

.All of these people and I'm 100% sure that I'd still bump into Edward.

"We're only staying for an hour." I shouted over the music to her and she rolled here eyes.

"It's barely 9 o'clock, I'm not leaving until I get at least one Styles to kiss me tonight." She said, heading towards the kitchen.

I sighed, wondering why I let her convince me to come to a party with her. I should have known it was their birthday party. They always make a big deal out of it and invite nearly the whole school since they're triplets and 'well loved' by everyone. Plus, their parents are pretty laid back about it since they have a big house and are almost always working.

"Margaritas for two, ladies?" Someone behind the kitchen island said as they just got finished blending something up that smelled like it was all alcohol.

"Yes sir."

"We drove in your car." I reminded her.

"No sir, I'll take a water bottle and Mrs. Grumpy pants here will have both drinks." She said, gently shaking my shoulder.

"I don't want to drink. I just want to find somewhere quiet to sit for a hour before I have to hunt you down to take us home." I said.

"You're such a Debbie downer. You need to drink, you need to have fun, and you need loosen up. Seriously, I doubt Edward is here moping around, he probably moved on for all you know so here's a piece of advice, find a cute guy, chat him up, and get his number. It'll make you feel good about yourself, knowing that you still got it." She said.

I never lost it.

But I don't need a guy to make me feel good about myself.

I grabbed both of the margaritas, about to chug the first one down when someone bumped into me, causing me to choke.

I coughed, the alcohol burning my throat as it came back up but a hand patted my back, helping me catch my breath and regain myself.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry, love." A voice that was semi familiar said. It was Jason, one of Edward's friends. "Oh, hi Y/n." He smiled when he seen me. "How have you been?"

"I'm fine." I smiled back even though I just nearly died."

That's the biggest lie anyone can ever tell." he chuckled. "I'm serious, how are you? I kind of miss seeing you, you know, now that you're not with Edward anymore." He said.

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