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"You're such an idiot." I scowled my boyfriend, Edward for getting in another fight.

Now his knuckles are bloody, his lip is busted, and his nose is bleeding. But the other guy- or guys, I should say- look much worse.

"An idiot for protecting my girl?" He winced as I tried dabbing alcohol on his cuts. Unfortunately for him, there's no peroxide in his cabinet because I used it all on him after his last fight. "I was defending your honor. I thought girls liked that." He pouted.

"Not when there's 4 other guys fighting you when you're by yourself. What if your injuries were worse than this?" I looked up at him.

"I don't care if I have to fight 100 guys for you, I will. They were sexually harassing you, did you really think I was just gonna let that slide?" He asked, brushing the hair that was falling from my bun, out of my face.

"Obviously not but you took it too far." I mumbled, focusing back on the swollen, bruised knuckles that was in front of me.

He threatened to bash one of the guy's head into the wall, repeatedly if he wouldn't stop staring at my chest. Then when the guy was joking with his friends, muttering something along the lines of, "she has a fat ass" and that's when Edward lost it. He practically charged at the guy which resulted in his friends taking up for him and jumping in.

It was basically a crime scene outside of the ice cream shop, lucky the manager came outside to break it up before any cops could be called.

"There's no such thing as too far when I'm standing up for you."I placed an ice pack on his knuckles then placed a cold rag over his nose, hoping to stop the bleeding.

"It is when your face gets ruined. Your mom will freak when she sees you." I mumbled.He placed his fingers under my chin and forced me to look at him. "I'm fine. It doesn't hurt as bad as it looks, I promise." He pressed a kiss to my forehead but it was quick because his lip was still a little swollen and painful, I'm sure.

"You just put on a brave face. I know you're in pain." I sighed. "Serves you right for trying getting in a fight for me."

"What was I thinking?" He sarcastically said, smiling down at me before adding, "You can always kiss it better for me."

I leaned in and softly kissed his cheek, causing him to pout. "Not what I meant. I want you to take the pain away, baby." He mumbled, leaning his forehead on mine. "The least you can do is give me a thank you present."

"I'm not going to thank you because you were totally out of line. I don't want to encourage you to fight for me. There were many other ways you could have handled that. Violence is never the solution." I said.

"Okay, I'll try to not be as violent anymore. But if a guy looks at you the way only I can, can I at least punch him?" He asked.

"No." I helped him down from the bathroom counter and into his bedroom. He laid, spiraled out on his bed, insisting that I stay the night because he'll be "lonely" so I called my mom, telling her a little white lie, saying I'd stay at my best friend's house because she'll surely go nuts if she knew where I really was. Especially being alone with Edward.

She doesn't trust him one bit.

"Do you need more ice?" I asked, cleaning up all of the bloody tissues.

"No but I need more kisses." He pouted over at me and I sighed. I really don't want to hurt him or anything, with him having a busted lip and all but he's all about giving me affection.

"In a moment." After I finished cleaning up the bathroom, I went and sat next to him on the bed, softly kissing his bruised knuckles but he patted his lap and motioned for me to sit.

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