Here Comes The Bride

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I just married my best friend and I couldn't be happier.

The ceremony was beautiful. The reception was even better, we danced the whole evening- we didn't want to be parted from each other but we eventually had to thank all of our guest for coming.

We ate dinner together and had dessert but then it was back to being swarmed with relatives. As much as I loved celebrating with my family and friends, I just wanted to be with my husband.

As the reception died down, Harry and I were finally able to be alone together on the dance floor again. Our parents were making sure everyone got out to their cars safely. The cleaning crew were taking down the tables and chairs but Harry and I stilled danced in the middle of everything. No music was on at this point but it was nice to be in each other's arms as husband and wife.

"That was the last of your guests, are you two ready to leave?" Anne came up to us and asked.

"One more dance." Harry hummed, not being able to take his eyes off of me.

"You've been dancing for 30 minutes with no music, dear. I think it's time to call it a night and check into your hotel before it's too late." She said. "Y/n, your parents are outside. You might want to say goodbye."

I reluctantly pulled away from Harry, earning a pout from him.

"I'll be right back." I said to him.

I went to hug my parents goodbye and watched them fight back the tears in their eyes because they were so emotional after today. When I entered the venue again, Anne was kissing Harry's cheek and saying goodbye.

Harry grabbed my heels from the corner of the dance floor and kissed my forehead as I approached him again.

"Are you ready to go, Mrs. Styles?" He smirked.

"Yes, I smiled. I'll never forget today. I had a blast and can only imagine what Harry will do when we renew our vows. He'll through a bigger party than this, I'm sure.

"Congratulations." The cleaning crew said to us as we left the building.

"The honeymoon suite." Harry said to the receptionist. I was so tired, I wanted to knock right out but I knew we were in for a long night.

Our wedding night. The first time we'll have each other as husband and wife.

Harry and I haven't had sex in one month. We made a pact to hold off until our wedding night so it would be more special and I already know it's going to be.

"Thank you." He took our room card and grabbed my hand, leading us to the elevator.

The bell boy brought our luggage up in the service elevator so Harry and I were alone for 37 floors. Thank God the ride up was going to take awhile.

He wasted no time kissing me. We were finally alone- completely and I wanted to rip his suit off of him right now but I couldn't just yet.

His lips were needy, urgently pressing against mine and his hand landed on my hip, pulling me as close to him as possible with my wedding dress in the way.

A bell dinged before the door opened up and we had to get off.

Harry unlocked our room for us and carried me over the threshold.

The bell boy arrived at our door moments later and Harry gave him a tip before putting the do not disturb sign on the door.

"Can you help me out of my dress, please?" I turned my back to him and he trailed his fingers across my neck before slowly unzipping me from the dress.

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