Ice to Spice it Up

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102 degrees fahrenheit

It's what the news read all week and I dreaded the days that were this hot.

Even with the air dropped down to 71, my thin tank top I'm wearing, and my shorts that barely cover my ass, it's still so fucking hot.

Due to everyone in the city blasting their air conditioning, many homes were experiencing power outages but Harry and I are fine because we have a backup generator.

"I told you it would come in handy, love." Harry teasingly said when the power cut out for two minutes before it regenerated itself.

And he was right. I'm thankful my annoying fiancé went out of his way and bought backup generator that I told him over and over again we wouldn't need. It's the only time I will admit I'm wrong in our relationship.

However, the backup generator failed us after an hour and our power was unfortunately cut off like the rest of the city.

"My boobs are sweating." I sighed, fanning myself with a piece of mail I found on the coffee table.

"I oddly want to see for myself." Harry chuckled on the other side of the couch and I reached my foot out to kick his shin.

"Don't be gross." I groaned. "I want to take a cold shower but it's going to stay hot all day so it's pointless."

"Hopefully the power comes back soon." He said. "I think I'll take a nap." He began to get up from the couch and I whined, reaching for him.

"Don't leave me here alone."

"What's wrong?" He gently asked.

"There's no tv and my phone is about to die. What am I supposed to do?"

"We have portable chargers put away in the closet, fully charged. I'll go get you one."

"No, I want you. We should talk, we never talk." I said.

"We talk about everything. You kept me up until 4 last night talking about your nails." He sat down next to me and placed his hand on my thigh.

"There's so many colors to choose from and want them to coordinate with many outfits, not just some." I said.

"If you want to talk, we can talk. Tell me anything, I want to know it all." He smiled.

My excuse for us to talk was to just keep him down here. I don't actually have anything to talk about.

"Um... I saw an ad for rescue puppies and I was thinking we should probably look into getting one soon. They're so cute and helpless little things, you know." I tried to think of anything and that's what came to mind.

"You want a puppy?" He asked and shrugged. "What about Margo?"

Our sweet kitten that we go two years ago grew up and she's such a sassy independent little thing. She does her own thing and prances around the house like it's her kingdom and we let her because she's so spoiled. She can be sweet when she wants to be but otherwise, she hates being picked up and bothered.

"Margo probably wants sibling. She's lonely." I could barely say with a straight face because we both knew that wasn't true.

He laughed and I could barely contain my laughter. "Is this your way of saying you want baby?" He leaned in and puckered his lips for a kiss, which I gave him. "Because l don't know if you can tell but there's nothing else to do."

He kissed me once. "We have plenty of space." He kissed me twice. "And Margo clearly wants a sibling." At the mention of her name, she turned to look at us from where she laid out on the rug, soaking up so sun from the window.

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