More Than One Bundle of Joy

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"Thank you. Have a nice day." I smiled at the woman as I handed her the loaf of bread and she handed me the right amount of change.

She exited the store and soon after, Alex walked in. "I have tulips for my sweetheart." He smiled at me but I looked away from him and grabbed the towel on the counter to start wiping things down.

"Baby? What's wrong?" He frowned.

"I'm working." I simply said, hoping he wouldn't see right through me.

"That's never stopped us before." He smirked at me and my cheeks flushed.

I rolled my eyes and dropped the towel on the counter. That's actually how I got into this mess, getting around with Alex. I wanted to wait until marriage, it was ideal but he was drafted and we just wanted to be together in case...

Anyways, we used protection. didn't get pregnant but that was last year. When he came back, things picked up where they left off and we were always together- more than the average couple I guess. Now I'm late.

Three weeks late.

"Are you mad at me? I'm sorry I didn't stop by last night, I was working late. My boss wouldn't let me leave early even if I begged him." He ran his fingers through his hair and sat the flowers down on the counter.

"I'm not mad at you, it's okay." I shrugged.

"Alright, let's go grab lunch and then I want to show you something."

"I- can't." I bit my lip. "My dad said I have to work a double shift today and promised him that I'd stay." I sighed. "Maybe some other time."

"Can't you get someone to cover for you? This is really important." He gave me a look that he knows I can never say no to.

Not saying no is how I ended up here...

"I don't want to bother anyone else on their day off."

"As much as you do for everyone, I'm sure they won't mind doing you a favor." He said. "Please?"

I called my sister and she was more than willing to fill in for me while I went out with Alex. I took the flowers off of the counter and put them in a vase and he waited for me near the door then laced his fingers with mine when I approached him.

I could do lunch. I just have to make it through that then can tell him.

"You're not eating." Alex pointed out. "Did you want something else? I can order you another meal." He offered.

"No, it's fine. I'm just... nauseous." I squeezed my eyes shut and held my head in my hands.

"Are you sick?" He gently placed his hand on my arm.

"Not exactly..."

"Drink some of your water." He slid my glass closer to me. "We can go if you're not feeling well."

"I'll be fine." I assured. "It comes and goes."

"Are you up for my surprise after this? We can reschedule if you want." He said.

"I don't really want to go to lover's lane today or make out in the back of your car..." I sighed.

"It's not that, I promise." He quickly said. "Trust me, you're going to love it."

I ate a few bites of my lunch and took the rest to go. Alex drove us out of the city to some park before getting out and opening my door for me.

"What are we doing?" I curiously asked.

"I'm trying to surprise you." He smiled. "Don't ask too many questions."

I let him lead me to a garden. There were butterflies everywhere and a small path leading to a pond.

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